"I just didn't think he was the type you wanted to be friends with," Alaric says. "I didn't think at first as well, but he is not as bad as everyone thinks he is," I tell them. I walk away, but I hear four feet follow me.

"You can't be serious about this, Abby!" Jeremy says. I turn around and see he and Elena followed me. "Yes, I am. He is not that bad. He even went with me to the hospital today, which by the way, I really needed you," I say and look at Elena. "I wanted to go with you! Damon just told me not to," she says. "And you just listened to him?" I ask her. "No, but he said you wanted him to be there too and you made a deal with him," she says.

I get confused. Damon made up some deal I made with him so Elena would let him come with me to the hospital? Is he just that crazy or did he actually care about me?

"But why in earth are you two friends?" Jeremy asks, "do you know the guy killed me?" I sigh, "yes, Stefan brought that up." "Stefan was there too?" Elena asks. "Yes, we had a pizza party with the three of us and it was fun," I tell them.

"I can smell that on your breath," Jeremy laughs. Elena takes a step closer to me and smells to. "You had alcohol?" She asks, slowly getting angry.

Alaric and Jenna join the party. "Who had alcohol?" Alaric asks. "Abby," Elena says. Jenna and Alaric both look at me with a shocked look in their eyes. "Wow, I had two sips of alcohol. So what?" I ask them and walk upstairs. "We are not done!" Elena calls. I roll my eyes, "yes we are."

I walk into my room and close the door behind me. Why can't everybody just stop worrying about me? I am fine. Jeremy actually smoked weed and did drugs and they are worried about me getting two sips of alcohol!

I take a seat at my bed and sigh. I grab my phone out of my pocket and see I got a text from Damon.

Damon: Hey, are you okay?

I am confused, since he sent that one minute ago. But then it hits me, he is still around and he heard the confersation.

Me: Yes, I am. They are overreacting.

Damon: They are worried about you. They don't want you to become a second Jeremy.

I smile and roll my eyes.

Me: Well, I am not.

Damon: I know :)

My cheeks glow again. Even now, Damon gives me the most amazing feelings. But then something changes. The warm and happy feeling I have, moves away.

All of a sudden, I feel this disgusting feeling of sickness in my stomach. As fast as I can, I grab my garbage can and let all the disgusting contents of my stomach leave my body. The food mess feels like fire, going through my mouth.

I scare when somebody grabs my hair and strikes it out of my face, away from the disgusting stuff. When I look over, I see it's Damon, of all people.

"D... Damon?" I ask, but another cargo comes out. "Shh," he says. His hand is caring over my back, trying to comfort me, while the other one holds my hair back.

When I finally feel empty, I move away from the garbage can. Damon grabs a tissue from my desk and cleans my face. His worried, but still heavily blue eyes stare into mine. "Are you okay?" he asks.

I nod, but I feel like trash. I take a seat on the floor, with my back against my bed. Damon lets go of my hair as soon as my face is clean and takes a seat beside me.

"I shouldn't have given you my alcohol," he says. I laugh and shake my head, "this wasn't from that. It can't be. I had it before, more than I had today and I didn't get sick at all!" Damon nods and I can almost hear his brain crack. "Maybe it was your pizza," I joke. Damon looks at me, offended. "No, I bet it was your disgusting pizza!" He laughs. I laugh with him.

"But I think you're right," he finally says, "I think the meat wasn't well cooked." I nod in agreement, "maybe." I let my head rest on his shoulder. All this puking made me tired...

Damon lets his head rest on mine and we just sit, quietly, for a moment. I close my eyes, hoping I would get my strength back if I just keep breathing slowly.

All of a sudden, Damon moves a bit away from me. I lift my head and look at him in confusion, but then my bedroom door opens. "Abby, are you okay?" Elena asks. She stands in the door opening and looks really worried. "I am," I tell her.

"It smells awful in here! What happened?" she asks, but then she notices my garbage can. "Oh my god! Are you okay?" She asks again. I smile and nod, "I still am." Damon stands up, "I was close by and heard her, so I came as soon as I could." Elena smiles, "thank you, Damon."

She grabs the can and looks at me. "I will clean this up. Do you need another one in case you have to puke some more?" she asks. I shake my head, "I am empty now." Elena smiles and walks away.

When she closes the door again, Damon turns around to me. "You should get in bed," he says. I nod and try to stand up, but my legs feel like spaghetti. Damon notices it and lifts me up. He carries me to my bed and carefully puts me down. Without taking any clothes off, he puts the blanket on top of me. I smile at him, "thank you." Damon looks at me. It looks like his eyes are shining and his red lips form a soft smile.

Elena comes back in my room. "Here, a clean one. In case you need it tonight," Elena says. She puts the garbage can close to my bed. She looks over at Damon, "I think she needs to rest." Damon nods, "I was just leaving. Just checking in on my friend." He looks back at me with a wide smile on his lips.

Elena nods, "okay. Well, I will check in on you tomorrow morning, okay?" She looks back at me, waiting for an answer. I nod, "good night."

Elena leaves the room and closes the door behind her. Damon still stands beside me. His hand reaches out to me and touch my cheek. "I should go as well," he says. He wants to walk away, but I grab his wrist. "Please stay," I beg him, "just for a moment?"

The most hopeful smile I've ever seen appears on his face when he nods and walks closer to me again. I move over and Damon takes a seat on the bed next to me. He lays down on top of the bed and I move closer to him again. I put my head on his chest and close my eyes. I can hear his heartbeat, and listen to it carfully. I feel Damon's hand going through my hear. It feels so good. My hand rests on his chest next to my head.

It takes a few seconds, but even with the fact I just lost all of my food from the last week, at least - that's what it felt like - I fall asleep with the best feeling I've had in a long time.

You Are Worth Saving {COMPLETED ✔️}Where stories live. Discover now