42- Kevin.

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Chapter 42



I turn to the door as it burst open and my two bestfriends rushed to me. Shoving Jack in the process that made him almost fell out of the bed beside me. Abby and Milly hugged me as I felt something wet on my shoulders.

"Oh God, you scared us, do you know that?" Milly sniffled. I rub their back as they sob in my shoulders. I could feel my cheeks wet as well. "I fly back as soon as Abigail told me what happened." They both pull away and stare at me.

"How are you feeling?" Abigail asked, her voice hoarse from the crying.

I took the pen and notebook and wrote my reply on it.

"Fine, but my throat hurts a little if I talk and a little headache." I turn the note for them to read. Jack come up to me and sit beside me on the bed. He bend a little and kiss my temple.

"Don't force yourself to talk. I am here for you, baby. " he said, making me blush.

I'm not used to the way Jack treat me all mushy-mushy. Abigail smirks despite her tears stained face.

"What happened that night?" I showed my note to them again.

Jack sighs. Abby and Milly's smile dropped.

"Apparently, Nicholas called off the engagement to Maya. During that time she already had Garrett following your every move, he over heard your conversation, all of them. And they're started to plan something to teach you a lesson. And I'm just glad you get through all that alive. I can't forgive myself if something bad happened to you, I should have stayed with you." Jack said as he absentmindedly rubbing circles on the back of my hand.

I recalled all of those event and shivers run down my spine. Then I remember something.

"You were injured when you came back, what happened?"

Jack stiffened as he read my note. He gave me a small smile.

"Part of their plans is to get me away from you. I was super excited that day, I didn't realize the lobby guard wasn't the usual ones. The guard was someone Tessa appointed to who is desperately needed cash, he knows machines too so he's there to do something to my car. When I got a call from you, the guys I speed off to your place, half way there i found out my brake failed..."

I gasped. Now that I pay more attention to his appearance. He's still have bandage on his forehead, faint bruises around it and also bags under his eyes. Jack smile and peck me on the lips. I turn away, blushing.

"And along with that, a police car chasing us. Apparently the police also called by Tessa. But after we four jump out, we explain our emergency. They don't believe us, though. So Joe and I with one of the officer goes to your house while Harry and Charlie go to the station, but they come back when the officer who comes with me called for backup after seeing how serious the situation inside your house." Jack pulled me tight to him, his body is a little trembling as he exhales deep breaths.

"I never felt that scared before, not even when my dad died. And definitely never felt that kind of rage before, even when I found out Maya cheated on me. But seeing you being hostage with sharp knife poking your neck, I-I...." suddenly he pulled me impossibly close to him.

After a while I feel something wet drop on my bare shoulder. Automatically my hands hugged him back. Milly and Abby who are quite the whole time has a smile on their faces. Milly gesturing the door and themselves. I nod before they both slipped out of the room.

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