34. "I had to..."

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Chapter 34.


Sitting alone at the small backyard once was called garden, staring at the millions stars in the night sky. Lost in thought.

Mom always said, if someone we love died, they become a star in the sky, watching you from afar. I don't know whether to believe it or not. I still thought that was a story for children, but ever since my mother died, I often found myself staring at the sky.

This small space at the backyard once was beautiful flower garden, now seem vacant and empty from it life not even an insect or a bug can be found here. Every corner you see is either dead flower plant or wild grass. Even those grass also have no will to life any longer. My mom love gardening but I hate it, so does my dad. But we both enjoy her gardening result... it bring me peace in mind just by watching the flowers bloom and butterflies flying from one flower to another. Those are just a distance memories now.

The dinner I had with my friends are pleasant for most of it except the sudden sour mood when Addison said about my father's request to meet me tomorrow. I don't know what to do, in one hand it's hard to trust him again after all this years he went MIA, but in the other hand I wanted to know his explanation. Because since I meet him again I became restless, my eyes closed but not sleep. Every viber in my body wanted to find out and there are a lot of questions I want to ask. The questions to myself are...

Am I ready?

What if I don't like the answer?

What if his explanation made me hate him even more?

What if...

"Kate!.... there you are." Jack voice successfully startled me that I almost fall of my chair. "Sorry, didn't meant to scare you..." he said not sounding sorry at all, Because his tone betrayed him, he was trying his best not to laugh. I glare at him as he took a seat on another chair next to me separated by small round wooden coffee table who resembled a stool instead of a table. The wood paints is already chipped and fading from the sun heat.

After a few moments of silence, Jack turn to me with furrowed brows.

"Are you thinking about what Addy said earlier?"

I nod, a little distracted.

"You know, if it make you feel better, I will go with you... just for... uhm.... you know, moral support or something."

I look at his face, the dimly lit backyard make me hard to see him clearly, but he sounds genuine. But there are always pros and cons, although I don't have anything else to hide from him. He already knew practically, everything about me.

If he come with me, he will learn more about my past, I have a feeling my father will bring it during the talk. But at least he could made me feel at ease.

Should I take his offer?

"Why are being nice to me, Jack?"

"Because, you out of all people I know, deserve the support of any kind and happiness in the world. If I could, I will do it, no matter what. " he said sincerely lacing in his tone.

"Should I meet him?"

"You know, it's all up to you. But If you ask me, you'd better meet him so you can have a little peace of mind. And with your upcoming job test on Monday, it's better you do it before that." He has a point there. I can't split my mind during the test, after many years waiting for an opportunity, finally it's just in front of my eyes, I can not blew it away.

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