36- Do I Love...

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Chapter 36

Kate's pov:

Loud banging on the door jolted me up from my position on the couch as I was watching a horror movie.  Alone.

"Open the door, Kate!" Abigail screamed from the other side.

Geez, that girl is so loud. Cursing under my breath I get up to open the door for her. Abigail grin as the door open, step aside and enter without waiting for me.

"What got you so hype?" I ask, plopping down on the couch beside her.

"Oh you know, I finally got her number, the girl that I have been stalking for months. I'm just so happy,  I think I'm gonna ask her out soon." She said while jumping up and down make me giggle.

Abigail has a crush on a girl who work on the same company as her but different department. She doesn't stop talking about her whenever Milly and I are around.

"Congrats, I'm happy for you girl. Now I'm waiting for Milly to make her move on..."

"What about me?"

Speak of the devil. Milly open the front door of my house and stroll in. Abby and I exchange a knowing glances as smirks playing on our faces.

"Drop that looks, what are you guys talking about me?" She said, taking a seat on a single sofa across from me and Abby.

"Well,  Little Abby over here finally have the gut to make the first move on her crush, now we are waiting for you to make a move to a certain someone." I said, grinning.

"I think I'm lost. What does that mean?" Milly asked. Abby was about to open her mouth but Milly beat her to it. "Anyway,  how's the meeting with your father, Kate?"

My grins vanished immediately. To be honest, I'm glad I give him a chance to explain himself, but it also wakened the rage in me toward his so called partner, Merlyn Williams. I don't know whether she actually married him or only for public appearance, but still I can't believe she's that evil.

I want to file a complaint against her, but my father reasoned me to hold on. If he's experienced the way he say it, I guess Merlyn isn't easy woman to mess around.

"No sweetheart. At least, not now. I don't want everything going back to bite us in the ass. You didn't know what she's capable of. But mostly, I don't want to risked your safety, she's been watching me since you came to our gathering party and I already risked you, by coming here."

Worries was evident in his face, and I agreed not to ruin everything that he was planning on to do.

"It's good."

"Only good? Did you believe him? Did he explain why he left you?" Abigail fire me with question after questions  as Milly shot her a glare but Abby just shrugged.

"He did explain everything to me."  I said while looking at my two bestfriends.

I actually doesn't want to tell them the details, but they're my bestfriends and they have been there for me for as long as I can remember.

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