41- Revelation.

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Chapter 41.

Kate's pov:


Ugh... my whole body aches. Am I sleep in a funny angle again? I try to move but bit my lips to prevent me from hissing. My neck is burning. Still close my eyes, I try to feel my neck,  but my hand come in contact with fabrics. I drag down my finger to my collarbone, there I feel my skin.

That's funny, who design this kind of turtleneck clothes with slit under the neck? Well, that's not the question here, it's-whose clothes am I wearing?- because I don't remember buying this funny design turtleneck piece.


I try to go back to sleep as I still feel sleepy.

"You are awake?" A female voice come near my bed which is not belong to any of my friends.

I open my eyes and a smiling face of around mid thirties female greet me. Her blonde hair is in tight bun and she wear all white. In fact the room I was in are all white.

"W-who are you? And where am I?" I try to ask but come out as if an alien tried to talk and my neck feels as if it will explode any second. I held back any reaction from appearing on my face.

"Relax. Don't talk too much first, your neck needs few more days to heal completely. And I'm  Jordan, your nurse. In case you haven't figured out,  you're in a hospital." Jordan  smiles.

"H-h..." no words come out and I try to clear my throat but end up wincing in pain. What's wrong with my neck?.

"Don't push yourself, you will end up hurting your neck more. I'll get you a small notebook for you to write down what you want to say. Refrain yourself from talking for now." I nod without complaining because I still can feel the burn in my neck.

Jordan hand me a notebook and a pen, I scribe down what I wanna say on it and turn around notes for her to read.

"What happened to me?"

"You were assaulted in your own home three days ago."

My eyes widened.

"Your boyfriend just go out a while ago, he's not been himself since he brought you here, he will be back shortly. You should rest, I will inform the doctor that you are awake." Jordan smiles before exiting the room.

Three days ago? What happens?

I stare at the ceiling trying to recall any memories from my mind. The last thing I remember was planning on a girls day out with Abigail and Megan, but Jack show up and took me to a surprise date instead. We are having fun together, then he drive me home after telling me he wanted to take me out the next day. Then I got in my house and...



The stinky old man.


Then slowly all the memories replaying itself in my head.

I was being held by a drunk stinky old man after he hit my head with my mother old ceramic vas. Then Merlyn say something that made me shake a little in fear, fear which not directed to myself but to Jack.

"You won't be laughing when you heard the news of your precious boyfriend is dead in a car accident, darling." Merlyn said made my heart stopped beating at once. No.

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