5. Pervert

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Chapter 5:

Jack was right, the manager of the BB was very hard to please, said his boss is very strict about the employees quality and require to be full-time. But once I mentioned Jack's name, he excuses himself to made a phonecall. I am pretty sure he called Jack for confirmation and when he comes back he gave me a stern look saying that I can start at 7 to 1 am.

I didn't know Jack has the Authority to command the BB manager. It made me curious about him, I should ask him when we meet again next time. I reminded myself.

It's been a week I do part time at BB after visiting my mother every evening and Milly or Abigail are willing to pick me after my shift, although I told her I can grab a taxi but they are so adamant on picking me up.

Surprisingly my colleagues at BB are good and respectful even though I was the only one who do part time, they never ask me why.

Jack also has been texting me once in a while asking about my day. Somehow he knows I was the one working for the part time, but he didn't pry for more which I'm grateful for, because I didn't want his sympathy if he knows the reason.

Tonight the bar was busy and more crowded than any week day, because its Friday night. Many customers are college student, but average customers also found everywhere, after all this bar big. I haven't stopped delivering drinks for the VIP booths when I feel like someone watching me, but the place is too crowded so I can't figure out who, working in a bar is always dealing with different type of customers.

May mens flirting with me, many drunken trying to kiss me but I always manage to get out of the situation.

"Bill, 3 margaritas and 2 Manhattan for booth six" I ask the bartender.

"Coming right up!" Bill howler while preparing the drinks.

"You seem knows at what you doing" a male voice come to my ear from behind. I turn on my heels and almost smacked my face with the person but he's fast enough to prevent the accident from happening. "Sorry I didn't mean to startled you"

"Jack, oh God, I thought you were that pervert old man" I said, placing my palm over my racing heart, trying to calm it down.

"Are you talking about the one I punched on Valentine's day?" He asked curiously and I nodded. There's a flicker of irritation and anger in his eyes before he masked it with calmness. "Don't worry, I'll talk to that man"

"What are you doing here?"

His face expression changed from serious to playfulness, he grin widely.

"Checking on my new friend" I just rolled my eyes.

"Booth six ready!" Bill called.

"Sorry duty calls" I said to Jack before grabbing the tray full of drinks and delivering it to the customer at VIP booth.

I was walking back to the bar, dodging people left and right when suddenly someone grabbed my hand and pulled me to the corner of empty room with dim light. I still trying to register what happening until someone nuzzles my neck forcefully, a whiff of strong vodka and cigarettes fill my nostril.

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