20. Nick

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Chapter 20.

I stare up at his handsome face which once I thought I was in love with. He look like a shit, with dark circles around his baggy eyes, disheveled hairs which need to be trimmed soon. And beard. His current face apparence although still look handsome but also like rain forest with his thick and long beard. He never grow beard before, he like to keep his face clean. What happened now?

Lilly and I exchange confused glance. Why he show up now, out of nowhere when I least expect him to pop up. Did he still want to talk about whatever he wants to talk weeks ago? Clearing my throat, I meet his gaze.

"Hi Nick."

"Hi, sorry to bother you guys. But can we talk Kate?" He asked. Turning his gaze back and forth between me and Lilly. "Alone." He added almost like a whisper.

I turn to my friend silently ask her if she's ok. Lilly shrugs and smile. "Sure, take your time." I nod and stand up to follow Nicholas somewhere quiet to the 'talk'.

He led to a scheduled area at the back of the restaurant near the window. Table for two. Anyone who sees us may thought we were out on a date. I darted my gaze around, thankfully nobody around here was paying attention to us. I sigh in relief.

Nick pull the chair for me, and I raised an eyebrow at him in question.

"Chivalry and whatever you may say." He said, smirking. There's a gleam in his eyes, like he was really happy to be here with me. Although I doubt it.

"Why? Does your fiancee taught you all of this gentleman act?" I ask while taking my seat but keep my gaze watching his every move. He snort out loud and shake his head.

"I don't need her to teach me to be a gentleman." He said confidently.

I raised an eyebrow. "Really? I don't remember you being a gentleman when we were dating."

His eyes immediately shot up at me with guilty look. Then he divert his gaze to the table, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. He's visibly squirming in his sit, under my gaze.

He inhales a deep breaths "I... I am sorry." He mumble quietly. I almost can not hear what he says if I wasn't watching him. He still ducking his head, not meeting my eyes even when he says his next words. "I know, I screwed up big time with you. I hurt you when I promised to never do that to you. But honestly, dating you was the best thing I ever did in my life. I was happy with you even if I have to wait until we get married to be together in more intimate way."

I take a deep shaky breaths. I mentally keep reminding myself that I'm over him. Carefully I studied his demeanor, trying to figure out what brought all of this now.

"I saw you proposed to her, you were happy that time." I said confidently. I don't know where I gain my confidence. But I already decided not to show my weakness to just anyone.

Nick lift his gaze from the table to meet mine. There was some expressions crossing his face one by one in fast motion before he schooled his appearance into his daily looks.

"I thought I was happy, but I was wrong. Maya never loved me, she just loves spending my money. And now I started to question myself if Frankie really is my son. I-"

"What do you mean? You doubting if he's not yours?" Nick nod. His face give nothing except sober expression.

"He's seven months old, but he has no resemblance to me, not even a bit.... I don't know, I'm going crazy thinking about all of those. We are getting married in five months but I have no feeling with Maya, I still loves you Kate." He held my gaze while I stiff in my seat.

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