23 - Hospital.

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Chapter 23

Kate's POV:

I open my eyes only to be greeted by the blinding bright light. Immediatelly I close it again. My head is hurt as if it gonna split into two. In fact, my whole body is aching. I think I sleep in the wrong position. Again.

"Kate, can you hear me?" A familiar voice calls. I blinked few times to adjust to the brightness. Hovering above me is Jack. Worries is clear displayed on his face. I blinked at him, once, twice, thrice and so on. "Kate, say something please." Jack pleaded. Grabbing my hand and give it a gentle squeeze.

"Yeah... I am okay." I said, my voice hoarse as if something is stuck in my throat. I try to clear it a few times until Jack give me a glass of water and help me to drink it. I Diverting my gaze around the room. Strange room because this is not my room, my room is in light blue color while this room is pure white, from ceiling, wall, window frame and curtains all are in white. Moreover this room also plain and empty, aside from the double couch under the window.

"Whose room is this? Why am I here anyway?" I asked Jack, who was standing beside my bed and watching me carefully.

"Do you remember what happened to you Miss Williams?" Another voice asked made me turn to the other side of the bed. There stood an old man, his hairs was already turned grey. He wore all white too, with a stethoscope hanging on his neck. I shook my head, bad move. Because it caused a headache to attack me. I winced in pain, bringing my right hand to my hair, but instead my hair, it come in contact with fabrics. To my utter confused, my hand has so many scratches on it.

What happened to me?

"I see you are confused right now, but you will remember it slowly." The old man says. Jack face held so many expressions when I glanced at him. Worry and regret is one of them. I don't understand what he regret for, but I intend to find out. If only this old man will leave us soon. As if reading my thought, the old man excused himself after giving Jack a nod and to call him immediately if anything happens.

Jack take a sit on the chair beside my bed, draw it closer to me. He took my hand in his. "How are you feeling Kate?" He asked, his eyes holding mine make it hard for me to break it.

"Apart from the fact that all my body feel like I just fall from a ten storey building, I'm confused as to what happened to me?"

Jack take a deep breath and look at me nervously. "I am sorry, it's all my fault. I'm really sorry Kate."

"Why are you sorry for?"

"Do you remember that I told you, I have a surprise for you?" He asked, still watching me warily. I give him a single nod. "I'm sorry Tessa ruin i-"

"Tessa? She..." I trailed off. My eyes widened when a piece of memory come in and Suddenly everything crashed in my mind. From the time Tessa kissing Jack in front of me, a stranger knocked me out, wake up being captive and Tessa come into the picture and a blaring horn of a car. I didn't know I was crying until Jack warm finger gracing my cheeks.

"I'm sorry, I caused you pain." Jack whispered. I shook my head, clenching his hand tightly in mine.

"T-Tessa... She-" I struggle to form a word, my brain worked normal and everything make sense, but I have difficulty in saying them out loud. However Jack have to know about Tessa, she's delicate in the outside but she's evil inside. I have to tell him. I have to warn him.

"Kate, breath Kate, breath!" Jack instruct me. Concern in his face and voice. "Take a deep breath." I try to do as he asked me to, after a few attempt, I finally able to compose myself a little.

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