7. New Boyfriend

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Chapter 7:

I was pacing in my room only in a white towel covering my body. My room resemble an exploded ship with almost my entire closet scattered around my floor and bed.

I am a disaster if it come to fashion, and I desperately need Milly right at the moment. But she's still not here.

I blamed all of this to Jack, he's the reason I'm in this mess. Oh and Charlie too.

Last night when we have dinner in an Italian restaurant downtown, someone interrupted us.

"Well well well... Who do we have here?.... The great Jackson Harris is caught on a Date"

Someone voice made our heads turn around to face a tall man, probably Jack's age but he look taller than Jack approaching our table with mischievous grin displayed on his handsome face.

Jack groan in annoyance when he sees the guy while sending him a mischievous grin his way.

"You could tell us, you have a date. That's probably a lame excuses you tell us saying that something important to do at the bar." The guy said, dragging a chair from nearby table and seat on it facing me grinning like cheesier cat.

"Hi, I am Charlie wood. You are quite pretty but don't be fooled by the almighty Jack over here" he said jabing his left thumb toward Jack while stretching another hand for me to shake.

"What are you doing here Charlie?" Jack said in gritted teeth While shooting him a murderous glare.

I ignored Jack annoyance and shake Charlie's hand, smiling.

"I am Catherine Williams, but call me Kate for short" I said, still smiling.

Charlie eyes lit up in recognition. He turn to Jack and wink at him before facing me once again, his grin widened.

"So you are the infamous Kate, I've hear so much about you"

I raised my brow in question, furrowing in confusion then turn to Jack. He sighed.

"Kate, meet Charlie, my annoying step brother. And Charlie, can you go now?" Jack said glaring at charlie while taking a sip of his water to prevent him dragging his brother out of the restaurant.

"What?, Just like that. That's rude brother. Let me get to know my future sister in-law"

Jack spit out his water while coughing uncontrollably, I ran to him and patting his back hoping it will help his coughing fit to calm down.

Charlie just grinning like an idiot. "So Kate how did you find my brother so attractive although I didn't see it, I'm more sexy than him. Don't you think so?" Charlie said, taunting his brother patience.

After Jack's cough dies down, I sit back on my chair, giving charlie confused looks. I honestly didn't know what he's blabbing about.

First, accusing us to be on a date then saying about me being his future sister in-law. What the heck did Jack tell him about me?

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