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Once I seen the thing I wasn't mistaken to have had seen beside Giyuu I gasped because I was so shocked by what I just seen there's no way he went out and got that thing for me! But it also freaked me out! It freaked me out to the point where I ran out of my own home to go run and see the one friend I know I can talk to about this type of thing!

"MITSURI OH MY GOODNESS MITSURI PLEASE TELL ME YOUR STILL AWAKE!!!! THIS IS A EMERGENCY!!!!!" My goodness I hope I'm not to late I'm about to loose my mind out here banging on my friends house door the longer she took the more anxious I got for her to come answer the door!!!!

But then suddenly the door slammed open and the bangs stopped I just froze when I seen mitsuri screaming since she saw me nearly freaking me out!

"WAHHH!!!!! Oh my goodness Ena Chan! Your startled me I just shut my eyes haha you caught me at a good t- wait why are you crying??"

"I-I found something I shouldn't have mitsuri I-I feel horrible about it."

"What did you see?" Mitsuri asked as she allowed me in her home hugging my side since I was shedding tears once we got inside her home we sat down in her living room together and she scrambled to turn on the lights for us but once all her attention was on me I just bursted out into tears and started venting because of how I felt!!!

"A-a wedding band it was my mother's but I suppose my father gave it to Giyuu at some point! My mother is originally from the west so it's custom there! But still if a giyuu has it that only means 1 thing!"

"THAT HES PLANNING TO PROPOSE TO YOU!!!! Oh my goodness that's so exciting Ena Chan! Your going to be a married women soon!" Yes that seemed amazing but I ruined everything why doesn't mitsuri see that! I'm glad she seems happy for me and for us but I can't help but feel like shit.

"Yeah but I feel so guilty for seeing it I know it's supposed to be a surprise and I know it's gonna make giyuu happy whenever he asks and sees my reaction but it's totally different when you know it's going to happen."

"Well how do you know it's a wedding ring Ena?" Mitsuri asked while putting on her thinking cap I can tell she was but I just sighed and shook my head cause I didn't know I thing but the ring that ring I seen it was the one my mother wore and my grandmother and I'm sure my great grandmother wore it as well! If I receive it I'm sure I will be ten times as emotional as I am now because that ring....it's a key part to my parents love and to our family!

"That ring has been in my mother's family for generations from what she told me my third great grandmother had that rig she wore and the wife always gives it to the husband to give to the daughter significant other whenever she finds love and I don't know if my dad told him what that ring meant to my family but he have had to if he has it!"

"That's really sweet giyuu is keeping the tradition within your family Ena but it's not too much of a big deal though Ena you love giyuu don't you?"

"I always have ." I replied to her with a faint blush on my cheeks....

"You've always wanted to be married right?"

"Yes I have haha." I said with a smile forming on my face as well.

"Haha then why are you reacting this way? you should be excited even happy about it!"

"Y-yeah your right." Then I started realizing she was right by everything she said and started to think about it even more none of this is a bad thing none of it is going to ruin anything so what if I found out the fact that he's going to propose to me with my mother rings so be it I should be happy he's even considering it! Oh my goodness coming to this realization is making me happy!

"Of course! I hope You guys remain happy!!! This is so sweet to hear Ena chan I'm honestly so excited to see you both happy! Plus Tomioka San needs it he needs happiness cause I've already seen him change since he's been with you!"

"Yeah I suppose so haha I'm glad I make him happy. Say I have my siblings at my estate for pillar training they will be there for a long time haha if you want to meet them just stop by! But I calmed down so imma return back home before giyuu notices I'm gone." Giyuu gets touch deprived in his sleep and I wake up being cradled into his arms every morning if I'm not tomorrow he will drill me with questions for the next week...and I don't want to deal with that so I would rather not haha

"Wait didn't you fight Muzan! Your not going to tell me about it?!" But of course she was going to ask me about my battle with the demon muzan and I just sighed and put my hand on the back of my head...

"All I can say is I almost died mitsuri." I didn't really want to talk about cause it made me think about what I didn't want to think about and it sucks

"When I heard about it I cried for you cause I was scared you left us I know you have dreams and wishes it would have sucked if you didn't fulfill them! I'm glad your still here Ena Chan!" Wha!!!!! Geez she didn't have to hug me like that nearly knocking over her whole table! But even though it startled me I hugged her back rather quickly and smiled haha she's so cute.

"Me too I still have a lot to live for haha but I must be returning home now mitsuri please stop by soon I'll make mochi for you!"

"Sweet I'll stop by soon! See ya Ena Chan don't have a mental breakdown on me again it'll give me a heart attack!" I laughed at her words and just nodded and I stood up beginning to proceed to the door so I could go home.

"Haha I'll try see ya!" I waved MITSURI goodbye as she did me and within a instant I was on my way home using my super sonic speed to get me there before Giyuu realizes I'm gone I just hope he asks me soon the anticipation is killing me plus I really do want to marry the man I love is that to much to ask for?

Please Just Let me in (a Giyuu Tomioka love story.)Where stories live. Discover now