
892 19 2

"Breath of water seventh style piercing rain drop."

"Breath of electricity third style: electric lightning bolts!" Me and tomioka kun both finished off the demon in record breaking time with just one slash to the left by giyuu and to the right by me but we weren't done yet as this demons head headed to the ground and started to disintegrate.

"Oh wow tomioka kun we make a pretty good team!" I happily said she we finished the demon together oh wow we should make a breath combined move or something that would be fun I put a hand out for a high five but giyuu just walked passed me and started going towards the stairs down the hall.

"We aren't done yet we still have the leader to take care of."

"Oh right let's go!" I'll continue that talk for when we are traveling back to report to ubuyashiki before we go to our homes we have one more thing to do which is take out the leader.

Hehe I'm definitely getting that high five to.

Once we got to the second floor and I sensed the demon in the central room on this floor I heard weeping and crying just what the hell was this thing on?

"N-no my prizes y-you disgusting humans y-you ruined my prizes!!!!"

"Yeah and your next you demon!" I shouted at it pointing my sword at its head but it ignored me and it kept crying like a damn child and I didn't like it I found it very annoying.

"I will not waste time anymore this demon is weak....I'll finish this....breath of wate-."

"N-no my prizes they're gone!!!! W-without them I can't do anything I-I'm useless without them! I can't fight without them."

"Wait what?" Was he accepting defeat not a single demon I faced ever accepted defeat before it really confused me and intrigued me to the point where I stopped tomioka kun from cutting its head I needed to hear this.

"W-without my prizes I'm useless I'm nobody....I can't fight I might as well be dead right along with them."

"Breath of water fifth style: the merciful rain on a dry day." But I could also tell tomioka kun didn't care cause he just pulled his sword out once I put mine away and took the spot in which I just had

"wait tomioka kun!" I didn't think killing it right away was right I wanted to know why it killed the humans it did and where it got its power from I stopped giyuu by putting my hand on top of his in which held his blade but he quickly threw it off and narrowed his eyes at me and that look scared me to death.

"He obviously had no intent to fight two against one meant the demon was dead already I just made it official."

"I- Umm ok then so we are done?" I asked while putting my hand over my racing heart from being slightly scared by tomioka kun and looking at the ground just why does he have to be so rude all the time.

"Do you feel anyone else here?" Tomioka kun asked me while looking around this central room and I shook my head no.

"N-no the house is empty now I think the demons were just here."

"Then we are done here are you wounded?"

"No it's just a bruise on my back but I'm fine."

"You May have dislocated a part of your spine from the impact of being punched down two flights of a building I brought ointment from my master we can find a Inn to go to and I can put it on for you." Ok yeah maybe he's right it How did he know all that!!!!! I mean that's crazy! I didn't even think he was that intent of my wound but my back compressed while going through the floors and I guess it hurts and bit but not enough for me to falter.

"H-huh?! No wait it's fine!!!! My back doesn't even hurt that m-." I was trying to say just as giyuu put two fingers right where I was previously holding my back and just applied pressure on it and that made my eyes widen "OW OW OW OW OW THAT HURTS TOMIOKA KUN STOP IT!"

"If it hurts by me applying pressure then my assumption is completely right...come on we shall go find a inn to stay."

"O-ok." Gosh what a jerk that really hurt....but hey why does he even care so much anyways but it's ok it made me feel nice since our job was done here we can go relax for the night before heading back to report and that's exactly what we did me and tomioka kun went to find a inn where we got one room to share but the pain in my back was getting really hard to bare I think I freaking need that ointment tomioka kun has but he's asleep I have to somehow take it from him but the thing is I don't know where it is.

"Damn it tomioka kun where did you say you had the ointment." Ugh I didn't want to touch him or pat him down but that ointment was a nessecity right now and I definitely need it right now.

I place my hand on tomioka kuns side and felt around for a split second before everything stopped and I felt him move and I just froze.

"What are you doing?"

"Uhhh I-it's not what it looks like tomioka kun I-I would never touch you like that!!!!"

"You want the ointment don't you."

"Yes please." I answered him shyly cause he read right through me again....that made the situation even more embarrassing but I quickly got off of him when I realized I've been to class to him for to long and kept my distance afterwards.

"Well here it is do you want me to apply it?" A-apply it like touch me all the way down there by ya know where!? When tomioka kun suggested that I nearly melted by how much I was blushing right now but I can't no he can't touch me like that?!

"N-no I can do it myself but thank you so much." My goodness that was so embarrassing I'm such a fool for putting my big chest on tomioka kuns....



Please Just Let me in (a Giyuu Tomioka love story.)Where stories live. Discover now