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Man it was winter time I realized the moment I got closer to up north it was so freezing I was practically shivering as I ran up in the trees but I'm making sure I'll be fine if I keep the blood flowing it'll keep me warm enough to survive.

But I wonder why tomioka kun was stalling and just why in the world hasn't he killed the demon yet his crow informed me that it was a just morphed demon so it hasn't ate any humans but hasn't ate them yet that is there must be a reason behind him not killing it yet. But the closer I got to him the more I felt the vibrations in his movements and whoever he was with. It was another people with him as well and how his vibrations were it was as if he was saddened and worried but for what if he was with a demon.

And right when I got to where I needed to be and was hovering right over where tomioka kun was with the other two I seen axe making its way towards tomioka kuns head so I just zapped in front of it and caught it in between both of my fingers and threw it back at the kid who threw it at him landing in his hand which sent him flying into a nearby tree with hand being stuck in the tree by the axe but then I just turned around and seen the demon and quickly pulled out my nichirin sword to take the damned demons head and send it to hell.

"What's taking you so long your own crow came to get me?" I asked him pointing my blade at the demons head that was currently being restrained by tomioka kun.

"It's none of your business but draw back your sword it nawon't be needed."

"Why ya know it's going against demon slayer conduct by doing this tomioka kun kill it and return to ubuyashiki Sama with a full report or I'll do it." I made that loud and clear as I moved closer to putting my blade in this demons head and cutting it clean in half.

"I'm not killing it." That's when my eyes widened for a split second before returning to normal Ena don't pay him any attention remember you hardly want to be with him right now just complete the mission and go back home it's that simple.

But I was heavily cut off by his words for sure

"Alright then lesser said than done I'll take your life painlessly as my job calls for it my Your corrupted soul rest in he-."

"I cannot let you do that." Tomioka kun said cutting me off and narrowing his eyes at me which did make my heart drop before I was able to gain control once again I must stop with these distractions cause they aren't worth it. But I was very confused now why won't he kill the demon I know why he acts the way he does but right now what he's doing and his motives behind it are a mystery a mystery I soon hope to solve.

"What the? Tomioka kun what's up with you? Why won't you kill it, it's a demon you know what they do right?"

"I'm well aware of it."

"They why do you waiver!?" I shouted at him sick and tired of him not telling me the truth but I jumped in shock when he hit the demon upside the head knocking it unconscious then grabbing it and throwing it by the other boy currently passed out where I left him then took a single step closer to me and grunted at me as if I was doing something wrong.

"I waiver for reasons that don't involve you!" Haha That only made me laugh cause I understood loud and clear since he yelled at me doing my own job and getting him to do his doesn't involve Alright that is just greats isn't it?

"Hmm ok....I'll just report that your keeping this demon alive rather than just killing it....see ya." I said as I sheathed my sword and sighed I won't deal with this anymore if he won't do his job I will have the job get done by someone else especially if he won't let me do it either.

But before I was able to leave using my electric glide step my eyes widened when tomioka kun put one arm around my throat and the other around my waist and pulling me up against.....

Up against him and that left me stunned at what was happening right now.

"You will not do such things you hear me?"

"Are your forcing me not to?"

"Your hardly being forced to do anything yet now close your mouth and don't speak of this to anyone understood not until I provide a proper explanation for everything."

"An explanation?"

"Yes I'll explain once we leave here I'll take you with me even thought it wasn't the plan but you have medical supplies on you right?"

"O-of course I do."

"Then tend to there wounds." Tomioka kun said while throwing me forward and I almost fell on the floor just what the hell is wrong with  him!!!! "and stop putting on this facade it isn't you."

I suppose I wasn't acting like myself so I'll take his word but I am like this when I am angry that's the bottom line now I'll go patch the boy up since he was bleeding by the hand and all over and I'll treat the demon as well.

"I'm done now...tell me what's going on what's the matter with you?" I asked after I finished tending to there wounds and such but tomioka kun didn't answer me I mean why would he I was acting like a bitch earlier I deserve this but I need to know what his motives are so I can have a clear mind. "You can tell me tomioka kun I won't say anything...."

"The demons different."

"How so?"

"It was protecting that kid....rather than wanting to eat it."

"Oh really." Hmm that sounded odd but I'm still listening.

"They are a brother and sister pair who are just different The boy wants to know how to turn his sister back into a human so I will be sending him to my previous Sensei to start his journey to become a demon hunter cause.......A demon might know how to cure her....."

"I understand it tomioka kun! But no demon hunter is going to support this I do cause I believe in your ideologies and resolve but the others won't be so happy." I made it known cause I already have a feeling no one will accept this happening him letting these two go and be together a human and a demon....it just isn't right but I'll hold the secret for him until I understand completely what's going on.

"He won't get to my Sensei for a few days if we use your electric glide step we will be there by sunrise that is where we will converse with him everything tihat'll come as we go got it?"

"Of course."

Please Just Let me in (a Giyuu Tomioka love story.)Where stories live. Discover now