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Shinobu's POV>>>

"Ubuyashiki Sama I would like to request to take me out of this upcoming mission with tomioka San and replace my personnel with ena Chan and have her go on missions with him for now on." I'm so glad ubuyashiki Sama finally was feeling better and had the chance to see me now I had something really good to tell him and seeing his surprised reaction to my words but I believe if tomioka san and Ena Chan go on more and more join missions together they will see that they like each other and that they have chemistry I came here today to ask our leader to have her and him work together a lot more and by a lot I mean it I just hope he goes with what I have to say instead of against it but if he sees any love there for them I'm sure he will agree.

"Shinobu chan.....is there a reason for this request?"

"Yes we were just released from our pillar meeting in regards to the uproar in demon attacks in japan and tomioka San turned his back to everyone like usual but he didn't turn his back on Ena Chan he kind of just looked at her then the meeting was called and she chased after him and they started conversing I believe they are still conversing now."

"Now that I think of it I could see that from his body language from just after I called meeting over Hmm is there some kind of chemistry between the two?"

"I would like to think so if you would like to see a change in tomioka San so he would not feel obligated to turn his back on us fellow pillars I think you may have to use her as a way to get there maybe send them on very dangerous missions so they may bond." And so that way my friend will be happy if she's happy with a man who is disliked then so be it I will not judge but I see the love in her eyes whenever he is around or mentioned if she doesn't believe me I'll make her believe me by being with him all the time!

Haha great plan right?!

"I see what you mean shinobu chan thank you very much for this informative information you may go now I will prepare missions for the two of them and send it on there way."

"Alright sir thank you very much for your time it was greatly appreciated have a good day sir!" And heading that he took my informative reporting positively made me very happy and I left his headquarters with my head held high and Ena Chan will be thanking me later haha now time to go back to the butterfly estate and hopefully very soon Ena is on missions with her soon to be man again!

Ena Chan>>>>


"O-ok I'm going quickly!!!" Geez I really didn't want to be taken out my home right now I was currently playing my koto which I do whenever I need something to do my lyric book is completely full and my koto was collecting dust so playing it to sooth my stress and my feelings really was nice but I guess it's mission time now haha and I'm ready now to slay some demons and take off there heads.

But when I got to headquarters and seen tomioka kun was already there my heart started racing this means we are going on a joint mission again I hope this just doesn't turn out into a work thing though cause I really want to try to establish a fresh new relationship with him! And I will break that mask he has over himself and make him let me in to his heart!

"Thank you both for coming in such short notice I have established a list of missions in which you both will be partaking in together I have come to directly give you order in where you will go and who to contact if in any danger first you two are to go west there has been a sighting of a demon taking toddlers from there mothers and rare cases cutting babies out of mothers wombs that needs o be dealt with right away the you are to head southwest where a demon pairing has been recking havoc on a small town almost wiping out all its population, then head all the way north as a demon group as been influencing demon hunters in the area and rendering them useless find the source of there power and abilities and put a end to there reign and last but not least go north west as demons in packs have been surrounding the area-."

"Wait northwest are you serious sir?!" My goodness I was beyond shocked when he said north east cause I'm from that area and my family is there!!!! This may be my chance to actually see them!!!!

"Yes I am I'm sure you know that place very well Ena Chan."

"Y-Yes my home my family is northwest of here! I am sorry for interrupting you sir please continue!"

"It is alright I understand your excitement not seeing your family in almost 4 year would make anyone excited to see them again."

"Alright let's continue each mission should be handled with great power and no remorse these demons and there pairs have killed numerous humans and need to be terminated immediately if my voice is loud and clear you two may now go and good luck on your missions."

"Yes sir!"

"Oh wow another mission together tomioka kun what was the likeliness in that happening haha." I said to try to start a conversation but like always it got no where and he didn't answer me I guess I'll have to take a different approach now.

"Uhhh hey tomioka kun! Can I ask you a question?" I asked as nicely as I could and then looked up at tomioka kun and smiled at him hoping he just looked at me for a second.....

"What." He didn't answer me the way I was hoping but luckily he did he sounded like he wanted no part in these missions but I don't see it as a bad thing we get to do our jobs anyways.

"Can I ask what you thought when we met....." I felt my face beginning to turn red when I asked him that but I was kind of curious cause that day we met I seen something in his eyes that I never seen before I wonder if he knows what I'm talking about....


"I'm just asking if you answer me I'll answer you."

"go first." I honestly wasn't expecting him to say that but I'm willing to go first if that meant he will talk to me so I sighed fathered my thoughts and started speaking once more telling him how I thought when we met.

Please Just Let me in (a Giyuu Tomioka love story.)Where stories live. Discover now