⚡️I ⚡️

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Ever since I became a demon slayer I never once went on a dual mission with anyone the threat must be really huge especially if they put me with giyuu I pretty sure he would have went back home after checking in with the higher ups on his previous mission but I guess not me and him were both heading back out and we have a long journey to get where we need to be so I suppose we have to start moving right away.....

"Thanks for the info lil buddy I'll be on the move right away." I thanked my crow then sent him on his way to receive me some new info or more missions but once I looked back tomioka kun wasn't there at all and my eyes widened please don't tell me he left without me!!!!

"H-hey this is a dual mission ya know!!!!" Goodness when I came out of the meeting spot he was already a ways ahead of me and I started running to catch up with him. "Hey wait up!!!!!! Geez give me a warning before you go we are supposed to work together on this mission from what my lil buddy said!"

"I'm aware of that but we must move right away the threat is large From what we were informed."

"I totally understand that but even if we move with me using my electric touch we would still make it there in two days maximum unless you want me to pass out afterwards." I laughed cause I can't use my electric touch to much cause it literally sends electric currents through my body and shocks me upward and speeds up my steps that's how I move so fast but I can't do it for to long or my muscles will become unaligned with my bones and nerves in my legs and I'll probably paralyze myself but I naturally am fast so it's nothing to worry about I just won't be able to do it now....

"That's is just a waste of energy save it for the demons that lie ahead." Tomioka kun said staring forward and I agreed with him.

"Y-Yeah I suppose."

"We need to do our jobs quickly so that way we can report and go home we will travel for the entire day then rest for the night by tomorrow evening we should be where we need to be." Tomioka kun laid out a nice plan for the both of us to follow and I nodded in agreement and just sighed as he soon looked at me waiting for a word.

"Yeah ok got it let's go tomioka kun." And after that I nodded to him then we both started moving as quickly as we could to get to our intended target within the two days we have set out for the both of us...

The whole time we were moving as fast as we could we didn't say anything to each other and didn't even look at each other but what do I mean it's always like that haha but I glanced at him one time while I was running and that was a mistake cause that's when my foot slipped off the tree I was in and I fell right on my ass....


"Were you not paying attention?" Tomioka kun said stoping his running and just jumping down from the tree he was in and hovering over me

"Y-Yeah it was just something that caught my eye haha." I said as I rubbed the back of my head and blushed slightly by what I just said but tomioka kun just helped me stand then let out a sigh no more like a huff of air that sounded like he was annoyed with me then turned around and started walking forward....

"Well if you not hurt come on let's keep going."

"R-right sorry for the interruption." My face fell as I just nodded and ran behind him so we can make up for lost time but I would be lying if I said if my back doesn't hurt though haha.

We traveled for another three hours on top of all the time before that before the sun started to set and that's when we decided to walk not talk and find our way to a nearest town it was right before us that's when I sighed in relief and rubbed the slight sweat off of my forehead I really need to bathe....

"Alright we can stop for now....we have to find somewhere to sleep for the night inside this upcoming town."

"Alright Uhhh But lemme ask you something giyuu..." I didn't want to but I was curious

"What is it?"

"I'm are we staying together?" I asked with a faint blush on my cheeks but of course I couldn't look at him either.

"Why wouldn't we it'll be easier to find one place to stay instead of two."

"I-I suppose it's just that uhhh I Ummm have weird habits you might not wanna be around me for an-."

"Trust me I already know about your so called weird habits so you'll a be fine."

"WAIT REALLY HOW?!" I shouted in shock as I heard that he knows of my habits and I hope he doesn't know about them all but who the hell told him cause this is really embarrassing.

"Mitsuri and Shinobu."

"Ugh I knew they had to have talked about me." But him of all people come on I thought they were my friends not my enemies this proved me right!!!!! This is so embarrassing that he knows my habits when I'm sleeping and my night habits it's going to kill me to try and prevent from doing them but I've done them since I was a little girl and my first sister was born and I always did it by myself afterwards ugh I hope I can hold back and just go to sleep tonight but I doubt I will....

Especially with the thing that always comes to mind before I go to bed.....

But I'll do my best to ignore it! Once tomioka kun stopped looking at me funny while we were walking we were consumed in a short amount of silence once again just before hitting the nearest town just before sun down giyuu took care of us getting a place to sleep being a demon slayer comes in handy when finding places to stay haha but my eyes widened when I last with her child mistaken us for a married couple we both just made it seem like we didn't head what she said then went to our two bed room for the night and tomioka kun hit the hay way before me I just sat outside on the staircase and looked at the stars in my own little thoughts for now.

Please Just Let me in (a Giyuu Tomioka love story.)Where stories live. Discover now