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Seeing Ena this happy and excited to see her family kind of made me feel different just seeing her smile and everything in between made me I guess uplifted and feel different for her feelings I haven't had this feeling in a long time this bright and weird feeling I'm getting in my chest I'm getting it for her.....


"Tomioka San, hey tomioka san!" Hearing that voice annoyed me on the spot I didn't even turn to see it was shinobu from the corner of me I wasn't paying attention to her right now though I was looking from the side of the building watching Ena as she picked up the flower I left for her and I blushed when she picked it up and smiled my plan worked thank goodness

But what does shinobu want??

"I seen what you just did there you left that flower for Ena Chan to stumble upon and grab and its her favorite flower so you did listen to me!"

"So you followed and stalked me?" I asked in annoyance just wonder why she was truly here and if it was just to get under my skin. 

"Not at all I just found you! But look at her she looks very happy with the tsubaki you left her maybe next time leave her a bouquet of them!"


"Oh but you went through enough trouble of dropping the small one why not make it a bigger o-."

"I said no this has nothing to do with you shinobu now go away." I was annoyed enough with her if she goes away I'll keep my sanity and I won't lash out for no apparent reason I want to be alone.

But also see Ena with a smile on her face again.....

"Oh why your going to run from your feelings like you always have and not own up to the fact that you have fallen for Ena Chan? Is that why your pushing me away as well cause I made you realize your feelings?" Run from my feelings when shinobu said that as I was walking away from her my eyes widened and I stopped walking my feelings I was running away from them? I never thought of it like that and I never thought I had feelings for Ena at all shinobu brought it up a lot with me but I never pay it any attention but now when she said it, those words made my heart skip a beat and I couldn't contain the way it sped up just what is she doing to me!!!

"I said go away shinobu." But I also couldn't stand it and I didn't want to think about it so I am going to leave so that way I won't be reminded of these feelings I do not know....

I can't believe this why is she touching me and why is she getting so close to me I wanted to get away but she's a women I can't do that to her I had no choice but to stay even if this was beyond annoyance in and of itself.

But I guess I did see it just how happy she was by small gestures even like this one it was like Shinobu was trying to make me see something in Ena....

"Haha I see your very annoyed by my words but look at her she looks very happy doesn't she?" She does look happy she always looks happy....."I'm sure if you told her how you felt you'd get the same reaction that she had when she received that flower I'm sure of it but I know you don't believe me tomioka san so I'll leave it at that haha see ya have a nice day!" After everything after I nearly lost my mind shinobu just let me go and left running over to Ena to converse with her but I didn't leave I just hid myself again and listened to what they were talking about

And I was even worried that Ena would say something about me why was I worried about that!!!!!

"Oh my goodness shinobu chan look at this!!!! It's so beautiful right!!!"

"Yes it is Ena is there a reason you received it?"

"I just found it on my way out and picked it up it's the most prettiest tsubaki I ever seen."

"Well then someone must've put it there Ena haha it's just a pretty as you."

"Aw stop it you'll make me blush! Plus I'm not that pretty shinobu...."

"Oh please yes you are inside and out! Come with me let's go get dango sticks."

"OH HOORAY LETS GO!" I couldn't move I could get out the way listening to there entire conversation and seeing her so happy it froze me stiff but then she snapped me out of my thoughts by bumping into me and hearing shinobu chuckling behind her made a irk mark appear on my face.

"Oh my god I'm sorry tomioka kun! Didn't see ya standing there."

"It's fine." I said as my heart rate picked up again as I encountered Ena every time I talk to her this happens and my face gets really warm but there's one thing I can never do with her.....

And that's look her in her eyes....in her beautiful golden eyes....

And I can't even do that now....but as I was watching her run and with that smile on her face I realized something my hand was in hers and I was holding her tightly not even for a second thinking about wanting to let it go it just felt so right holding her hand and running with her working with her and being with her it felt right it made me want to be with her for ever it was like my life was coming back with her in it....but how do I make it stay how do I make this life filled with happiness and sunlight and brightness just how do I make it stay?!

"Just say you love her tomioka san." Urokodaki Sama said the moment he found where I was just watching Ena as she soon fell asleep I couldn't get why my heart was beating so much while watching her it kept me from sleeping but urokodaki Sama finding me here scared me but I did stay calm.

"Huh what do you mean urokodaki Sama?"

"It's a feeling you have in here right? Right in your heart when you see her it picks up the pace right?" He was right when he tapped my chest and made me realize it my heart rate picked up again and even made me feel warm as my heart doing this or what else was it?!

"Y-Yeah But I don't love her I know I don't."

"But look at her and tell me what you see."

"I see a women with long blue hair with teal tips at the bottom tanned skin golden eyes and she's asle-." I was trying to say as urokodaki Sama Slapped me on the head but Ouch why did he slap me on the head like that it hurt.....

"Not that you imbecile! Gosh your so dense. But tell me what you see in here?" As he pointed at my chest though right where my heart should be I tried to think again about what I seen but no words were coming up so I just didn't say anything and left it blank leading urokodaki Sama to sigh and just turn away from "Hmm So you cant tell me? It's cause you don't know yet up here but you do know right here when you know up here and these two area come to agreement you'll be able to say with your head held high that....you love her."

Please Just Let me in (a Giyuu Tomioka love story.)Where stories live. Discover now