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"Zenitsu why are you still sitting here is everything alright?" I asked him kindly a with a small smile I can feel just how nervous he was right now but I'm here to make sure he doesn't feel that and so he can get some good training in!

"Yeah I'm fine haha I just don't know if your training is going to be for me."

"How if you don't even know what it is yet?" I asked as i stuffed my face with rice and beef I need to eat a little bit before I train these boys so i have some type of energy haha but the fact Is seeing Zenitsu so unsure about himself made me a bit sad ill have to change how he feels haha he must have a reason for being this way though maybe ill find out what it is later but for now its time to go get trainin!

"I umm I never really learn things well." I shook my head when he said that even if he was unsure it wasnt true that he cant learn things well if he became a demon hunter he learned something and thats great!

I stood up after he said that then just grabbed him and pulled him up with me cause we are goin trainin' today! haha and he shouldn't regret it! im actually getting pumped now geez haha.

"Well then I'll make sure I teach you well Zenitsu you don't have to be so timid or unsure about it haha I'll take care of ya plus my training involves a lot of mental focus not much fighting is involved now come on training will begin now and Nezuko you can have fun in my home just don't break anything a lot of the stuff in here is antiques. Now come on Zenitsu it won't hurt you at least try it."

while talking I started pushing Zenitsu outside so that way he wouldnt stay behind and waved Nezuko goodbye letting her do whatever in my home then once we both got outside I lined Zenitsu up with Inozuke and Tanjiro and now it was finally time to get to work!

"alright boys its finally time to learn the electric glide step! ill tell you all the dangers of it now......haha when you first learn it its gonna feel like your getting the air sucked out of you to say the least it felt like i got punched in the chest three times over....but don't worry about that now all of you get in meditation poses and just relax for now."

"Umm ok." Good thing they did what I said now it's time for them to learn and I'll demonstrate so I just sat in front of them and decided to demonstrate what I meant.

"You guys know about breaths right?" Recovering a nod from them meant that they did which was good cause then that's less explaining for me to do. "Usually you'd take deep breaths for the other breath styles but for mine I take sharper and shorter breaths.... the inhale is slow though so when I inhale it's slow when o exhale I push the breath out quickly it's like getting punched in the gut it's going to feel like it at first because you'll be moving so fast that it'll knock the wind out of you at first trust me it happened to me haha but go ahead and practice."

"Uhh do we have to do this every time we use the electric glide step?" Good question from Tanjiro but I just shook my head and smiled wide at all of them.

"Nope because think of it as a power up once your powered up you don't have to repower up until you run out of power!"

"Ahh that makes sense then." Haha I hoped it would make sense gladly it did now we can progress with the training now I'll add this component to my breath technique!!!

"Now all of you as you do that breath technique relax as you let that last sharp exhale go and you should feel the center of your chest tightening that's where that built up energy goes from the breath you take that energy and push it through your chest to your feet all of you stand now since you have the breathing down and try it with what I just told you."

"I don't feel no energy! What the hell are you blabbering on abou-."

"Exactly that Inosuke....NICE JOB ZENITSU IT WORKED!!!!!!" Well it sorta worked haha he ended up shooting himself in a nearby tree but the electric glide step worked with him the best and he caught on quickly! But I just went to go get up so he doesn't fall out the tree haha! "And you said you aren't a good learner you figured it out in record breaking time zenitsu your a prodigy!!!!"

"I-I it's similar to thunderclap." I don't know what his thunderclap is but it must be fast haha I wanna see it head on that'll be fun!

"Ahhh so you applied it's properties to your thunderclap that's amazing! Keep doing that you'll be as fast as me if you do!" I happily said clapping my hand together and then slightly grinning at zenitsu in front of me. "How about you use your thunderclap on me zenitsu?"


"Then think of me as a enemy!!!!who was harming that special someone in your life!!!!" Geez Zenitsu is very chivalrous and kind man whoever his lady will be will be very lucky to have him even if he is a bit weird but haha maybe one small taste of his thunderclap is what I need! To see how I can make him believe he is stronger than what he actually is!!!!

"I still can't do it I won't ever harm a women!" Zenitsu shouted at the top of his lungs visibly blushing at the thought of harming me and touching me....but that wouldn't happen haha no way will I let him touch my body! But I wanted to spar with him alone cause his power was interesting to me.

"Just one time zenitsu plea-the heck?" That was weird why the heck did zenitsu suddenly go to sleep he got a small bit of excitement and then it was light out for him he didn't even fall over when he knocked out though.....it was super weird.

But my eyes widened when his head tilted by up to the way it was and then he started putting his hand on his swords handle wait a minute is he sleep fighting?!

Please Just Let me in (a Giyuu Tomioka love story.)Where stories live. Discover now