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"Haha well we better go now if you guys wanna begin group hug everyone before we go!" Ahh this was nice my family soon ran in my arms and embraced me in a hug before we split up from my mom my dad was busy with our master at the moment but that's ok I'll see him soon! But hey I feel like we were missing another big piece to this hug....

That's when all of us just let our grips go a bit and turned our attention to Giyuu who was looking away from all of us I could tell her was hurting right this must've reminded him of his family....I know he technically doesn't have a family now but he can be a part of mine! We love him here it wouldn't hurt anyone at all to have him join us in our goodbye hug!

"Giyuu come on you a part of the family you should join us." My mother said firstly with a soft smile shoot Giyuu's way he just turned his head to the side since his back was facing us but didn't move much further....

"Yeah Giyuu come on don't be so shy!" My brother called for him that time he turned just a tad bit more our way with his face clearly looking saddened by him not having a family that's when I just sighed and ran over to him and grabbed his hand just so he knew I was there for him and smiled up at him to make him feel better.

"Haha come on Giyuu my family considers you there own it's only right if you join us before we part ways.."

"O-ok then." Alright perfect. With that I just pulled him behind me then soon all of us here joined together and hugged each other close for a few seconds before pulling away now it's time to go!

But I did notice that once me and my siblings turned away from my mom I looked up at Giyuu and noticed he was smiling from the hug and that made me really happy haha! Hopefully he sees my family as his own cause I know they definitely do for him we can be all one big happy family someday I'm sure if it!

But for now I must focus on getting stronger to protect my loved ones so they don't have to worry about me that'll always be my number one priority moving forward and I'll live up to it and succeed in my plans!!!!

Now it was off we go to the moon house! We have long travels but I'm sure we will get there in no time! But I had to talk to Giyuu alone so while the twins were walking ahead of us and beaming with excitement because they were finally coming with me I just chuckled but I suppose that caught Giyuu off guard cause he suddenly looked worried for my state....

"Are you ok? I don't particularly know what's so funny right now." Giyuu suddenly asked me but wait he thought there was something wrong?! Hahaha! That just made me laugh even more!

"Haha it's nothing Giyuu I'm just happy that's all."


"Yeah my siblings seem to be happy and I am happy I am with you if everyone is happy then I am!" And I really meant that seeing smiles on people's faces really makes living worth wild! I love making people happy it's the best damn feeling ever!

"So like yourself." I heard Giyuu say to himself but once I looked his way I seen he was smiling again! Hooray he was smiling more and more with me it's made me feel like I was doing my job correctly and making him happy.

This feeling I felt right now made me super ecstatic I just chuckled at my boyfriend then hugged him while we were walking but woah! I don't expect him to just pick me up bridal style and continue walking to my home... "WAHH!!!! Warn me next time Giyuu! Geez I thought I was gonna fall!"

"Why would you think that I was never going to let you go." Ugh giyuu's voice was so soothing and even his eyes softened at me as he started walking again with me in his arms his voice was like music to m ears and was beautiful and he I suppose wanted to carry me home and I really do appreciate it haha plus this was really cute I just smiled at him and wrapped my arms around his neck holding him close as we proceeded in our direction home!

"Well then just hold me close ok? We still got a long ways to go."

"That was the plan Ena." If so I trust him and I know he won't let me fall we ended this conversation with a small yet beautiful kiss before heading back to my moon house but before I knew it I had fell asleep in giyuu's arms since they were so relaxing and calming to be inside of I didn't wake up until after I realized we were back at home! Oh geez the twins probably challenged Giyuu to a race and even without the electric glide step he won being a pillar parts of I suppose but once I woke up Giyuu was the one that was sleeping not me geez how long was I out for?

"Oops my bad I didn't even realize I was asleep so long haha I'm still in my demon slayer uniform." I whispered to myself because I didn't want to wake anyone up Giyuu and my siblings were sleeping on there futons next to my own I suppose I'll just have to move quietly and slowly so I don't wake anyone up but I seriously need to get out of these clothes and into my night kimono and brush my hair before I really go to sleep.

I slowly got up from my futon without waking anyone up thank goodness I didn't haha but once I was done with that I just proceeded to change my clothing but before I could I couldn't help but notice something shiny right next to giyuu's head I couldn't really tell what it was cause it was super dark in the room so to get a better visual of what I was seeing I leaned forward but my eyes widened by what I seen....

"Oh my goodness this can't be."

Please Just Let me in (a Giyuu Tomioka love story.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora