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Ena's POV>>>>

Haha that was very funny of me doing this false game haha I might of have had put tomioka kun in danger but I know him I know he's strong and will take down all the demons he had going his way as for me there were only three in which I found by change haha I did this on purpose so tomioka kun could win! I thought maybe if he won he would get a boost of confidence and such and maybe he will wanna talk more so I just chuckled and stayed far away from him doing nothing until I felt it was the right time to go back to our meeting spot but tomioka kun was already there and slight out of breath I guess.


"3 y-you won tomioka kun!" I said happily even though I already knew it was gonna happen hehe on the inside I was grinning like a little kid. I was met with a high five for him but notice he was winded and my eyebrow raised slightly "Nice job but are you alright why are you shaking so much."

"They came at me all at once." Oh an ambush I guess he earned his win then!

"Ohhh so your tired well we should go find a night house and get some rest then since you won name your favorite food tomioka kun I'll buy it for you when we hit a town with people."

"Salomon daikon."

"Oh really?! I never had that before."

"Are you serious?" Tomioka kun asked me in shock but his voice was still monotones but I was not lying everything I said was true haha.

"Yes my mother never gave me sea food she said it rotted your insides but she just said that cause she didn't like it I love it I just never got around to trying the salmon daikon bowl I'll love to try it!"

And that's exactly what I did me and tomioka kun moved very quickly to find a place to eat and just relax and we find this nice small noodle shop where they had the food tomioka kun liked and I got one bowl for me and another for him.

"Thank you very much for the food!" I thanked the owner of the noodle shop just prayed for my food along with tomioka kun then put my chop sticks inside the bowl but immediately heard slurping to my left and turned slowly to see tomioka kun face deep in his food but he was smiling oh my goodness!!!! Has god blessed me today?!

"Oh my tomioka kun i never seen you smile before you must really like this dish." But after I said that my eyes slowly widened as I seen him eat and him finishing the entire bowl in record breaking time and in early freaked out cause of it especially since I haven't even ate yet!!

"Ahh! Y-you ate it so fast....what the heck?!"

"That was good thank you Ena." No way....he said that you to me and said my name! That was very sweet of him I was surprised by the thanks from him for a split second but after a while I calmed down and just smiled at him and nodded.

"Y-Yeah no problem your a messy eater ya know you got food all over your mouth and clothes." I almost laughed out loud when I seen his face and quickly grabbed a napkin and just cleaned up his little mess on his face which made his eyes widen but I didn't mind doing this id rather fix it now then having him run around with food over every inch of him. "Haha your super cute when you eat I guess eating your favorite food makes you happy we can share my bowl I'm not very hungry."

"It's your food I am fine."  Tomioka kun said softly turning away from
Me completely like he was hiding something from me I didn't do anything did I, i was just trying I be friendly!!!! But I was down to share with him as well I am honestly not that hungry that wasn't a lie.

"But I can tell your still hungry tomioka kun your eyes keep looking at my bowl haha we can share I have no problem with it." I pushed my bowl in between us cause honestly I wasn't very hungry I ate way to much before going on this joint mission anyways I'm just eating it cause I want to try it and I know tomioka wanted some and after a few moment he just picked up his chopsticks and dug our my bowl and I did right after him then my eyes widened when I got my first taste of this food.

"Ahhhh I usually don't like savory foods but this is amazing!"

"Huh? What's so funny tomioka kun why are you smiling so much?"

"You took the bowl."

"Oh....oops I'm sorry did you want more?"

"No it's fine."

"Oh ok more for me then haha!" Yeah it was great to I happily finished my meal then thanked the owner of this noodle stand before going to find a inn where me and tomioka kun could sleep at for the night once we found one I was so ready to hit the hay but of course my mind prevented me from doing so.

So I just laid in my futon bed on the ground and stared at the ceiling hoping I could go to sleep sometime soon.

Giyuu's POV>>>>

"Haha your super cute when you eat I guess eating your favorite food makes you happy."

"Haha your super cute when you eat."

"Haha your super cute!"

"Your super cute!"

"Your super cute!"

"Your super cute!"

Why were those words continuously playing in my head it was preventing me from going to sleep the kind gesture she did for me was nice of her but I was more embarrassed that I didn't watch how I ate in front of her and she seen my habit! I was beyond embarrassed by her seeing all that food on my face but when she took it upon herself to clean the crumbs off my face my face actually turned red I felt it and everything and that's exactly why I couldn't face her so that ways she couldn't see me.....

But just why did I run...and try to hide from her I always say I don't care yet I cared about her seeing me in such a embarrassing way so much that I almost let her st that noodle stand I really do think Ena is doing something to me cause I haven't felt like this for anyone else's especially not a girl I don't know what she is doing though but I'll figure it out I'll figure it out one way or another....

Please Just Let me in (a Giyuu Tomioka love story.)Where stories live. Discover now