
665 15 2

"You Hit me like a ray of sun
Burning through my darkest night
You're the only one that I want
Think I'm addicted to your light
I swore I'd never fall for you
But this don't even feel like falling
Gravity can't forget
To pull me back to the ground again
Feels like I've been awakened
Every rule I had you break it
The risk that I'm taking
I'm never gonna shut you out!
Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby, I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace
You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby, I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away
I can feel your halo (halo) halo
I can see your halo (halo) halo
I can feel your halo (halo) halo
I can see your halo (halo) halo"

"Haha Hooray That was perfect Ena!! Woooohoooo!!!!" i cheered at the top of my lungs after I ran through everything one final time and just chuckled once I was done but my eyes widened when I came to the realization that someone was watching me cause I felt the vibrations in the air and I quickly turned around and screamed at the top of my lungs when I seen tomioka kun standing there with his arms crossed but his face was flat as hell (in a comedic way)  "I-I how long where you standing there for?!"

"Long enough I was woken out of my sleep by your singing."

"AHHHH WAIT YOU HEARD ME?!" My face turned plum red when he said that he heard me if I woke him up that means it was bad!!!!! I didn't think my singing was terrible oh man and he heard the words to I think I might pass out now....

"I heard enough to know what your singing about." Oh no this isn't good he can't know it wasn't really evident in the lyrics I wrote, there's no way he could have possibly known what they were about!!!!!!!! Ugh and if he truly does thats super embarrassing. "calm down it isn't anything bad."

"Y-Yeah But it was kind of private ya know...."

"Maybe you shouldn't sing while I'm right outside isn't it one of the things you do at night mitsuri told me so."

"I-I suppose but are you ok?"

"I am whatever you did soothed the wounds and I hardly feel them."

"That's good oh your uniform is stitched up and drying outside it should be dry by now though I washed it haha I'll change your bandages if you want me to."

"That's fine." Oh? He didn't say no? Wow I was shocked by that but I did blush as I went to go get my bandages from my medical room but to my surprise tomioka kun followed me.

"What's with all the medical supplies?"

"Uhh simple my mom is a doctor she always sends me these kits for whenever i need to use them and they come in very handy but my mom send them like a lot so I have way more than I should."

"And your father?"

"Weapons show owner he works directly with ubuyashiki Sama in making guns bow and arrows and knifes capable of killing demons and my dad sells them to make people feel more secure but the weapons itself are really expensive but the ammunition is practically priceless."

"Hmm I see."

"Yeah but sit down I'll change your bandages really quickly I'm sure you have other places you need to be." I was going to make this quick I just sighed and got to work immediately....

It was pure silence when I was putting new bandages on tomioka kun i appreciate him being very still though but I wanted to wipe off the paste in his chest stuff cause it was crusting cause it was super dry so I just got up for a quick second and came back with a damp towel and started wiping the crusty stuff off.

"Tomioka kun...."


"How did this happen?"

"The demons power was multiply so the more war you cut it the more it multiplied."

"Did you win?"

"Yes but barley." I can see that he was badly beaten up but luckily he survived I even laughed because he practically stated the obvious.

"Haha I can see that I'm just glad your alright."

"ENA KOEMI!!!!!! You have a letter from eri and eijuro Koemi." My crow scared the hell out of me I nearly jumped out of my skin!!!!he always yells at me and it's super annoying but if it's just a letter it's alright I'll read it momentarily.

"Oh geez thank you little buddy I'll read it in a moment you can just hang around."

"You gave you crow a nickname?" Tomioka kun asked me as if it was the most stupidest thing I've done and I happily nodded cause that's just what I do haha.

"Of course and you haven't?"

"No..." haha Of course he hasn't tomioka kun is such a plain man I wish I could change him even if it's just in one way.

"Oh that's lame tomioka kun you should have some fun once in a while."

"I do not need to have fun." That's when my face flatted he seemed so serious about not having fun but my goodness he can't be so serious all the time either that makes a person boring!

"Well then at least smile every once in a while! And oooo I'm sure your going to be in recovery for at least until the next day we should go travel to the city that'll really be fun!"

"The city?"

"Yeah the city! There's lots of fun things you can do there and the udon, Soba and ramen noodles there are to die for! I would be really fun and you can ease back and unwind maybe let loose a bit we can go right now if you wanted to ya know just run away from our responsibilities and have fun?"

"Run away and have fun?

"Yeah but only for a little while it'll be fun tomioka kun and we will be back by tomorrow how does that s-."

"I'll pass I have better things to do than to run away and waste time with you ." And after tomioka kun said that and let reality sink back in for me my face flattened and sunk to the ground along with my heart...

"I Umm ok....never mind forget I asked....I need to get changed for the day I'll be on my way if your not here when I get back I understand sorry for wasting your time." I won't rush him to leave but I don't expect him to be there when I get back I shouldn't even be surprised that he turned me down I really got my hopes up for nothing so I got up and moved away from him before I could and went to my bedroom where he wasn't at shut the door then just sat in front of it so he couldn't come in with my head in my hands I was so frustrated that I even tried that ugh I'm such a fool.

Please Just Let me in (a Giyuu Tomioka love story.)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن