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But my mom using me as her guinea pig for her victory spray as I am gonna call it wasn't a fun one that shit burned ALOT and I felt such a agonizing pain while my cells felt like they were melting back together but once it was done the wound in my gut it was totally gone and looked like nothing happened it worked but the process on which to get there hurt like hell!

"Umm Mrs. Koemi is that really the safest option for healing wouldn't it be better for her to heal naturally? You hurt her."

"Oh please cut the crap Giyuu, I practically stopped her recovery time and made her new again! You should be thanking me!" Oh geez my mom feels good about her accomplishments now and when she does no one else is right cause that spray hurt like a bitch but it did work so I can't be mad at her about it.

Well not fully

"Mama I thank you but geez you said that had pain killers in it yet it just gave me more pain maybe use stronger pain killers to make the spray have less of a dramatic affect almost like it warming the skin not burning it."

"Point taken." Good thing my point was taken Cause geez I don't think I can do that again. It was rough and hurt to much even if it did work I don't wanna suffer because of it! "But look at the bright side your all healed up now you can go run off with your boyfriend and go on one of your little adventures you always used to take your siblings on wouldn't that be awesome for the both of you?"

"Yeah mom but we aren't gonna do that I was gonna go back to my moon house and train with him...." I informed her calmly as I pulled the hospital top down to cover my now healed stomach then just sighed kicked my legs over the side of the bed not fully standing up yet my mom seemed bummed out about my decision though but hey I need to train so I can keep her alive!

"Oh ok th-."

"And I was gonna take the twins with me, if they want to become pillars why not have them train with some of them." Had to add that as well cause if I don't bring them they will come hunting me down and why do that when I can just let them tag along haha maybe it'll be fun too

"Yes but you better not hurt my babies." My mom warned me and I just chuckled and nodded to her if anything I'd hurt myself before I hurt them haha and I want it to stay that way. But of course I had to tease my mom right now haha why wouldn't I?

"Aren't I your baby mama?"

"Yeah well your different your siblings need work you don't your already perfect just don't push them too hard."

"I won't but they need to get stronger plus it'll be good time for me and them to catch up and for them to bond with Giyuu it'll be like a family affair." I said while pointing at my man who was being the airhead he is and hardly paying attention to us it was only when I flicked his forehead that he snapped out of whatever fog he was in and came back to earth. "Welcome back bozo...I'm ready to resume our udon eating contest are you?"

"Yes I am."

"Seems fair you two I'm not stopping you Ena just stay safe Giyuu keep her happy and take care of your siblings."

"You can count on me mama!" I said happily and just smiled at my worried mama I know she doesn't want my to leave again but I'm sure it'll be better this way I don't like seeing her like this so I just hugged her and sighed as she hugged me back Then we just pulled away and she smiled at me before placing a soft kill on my forehead it was like one in which was going to send me off on my next adventure like she did when I was a kid

"Alright then lemme get out of your hair I'll be sure to visit the moon house soon I haven't been in a while I love you Ena."

"Love you too mama." And that was the end of that we both went our separate ways after that but I did take something from her without her knowledge and that was the spray that cured but also almost killed me and it was the victory spray!

Imma modify it myself to make it more "human friendly" and then maybe replicate it to make more of it! Oh my goodness with my time off on recovery I have so much I can do and having Giyuu on my side as my watch dog is gonna make things so much better for me! Even if my wounds are healed I still have to recover my energy and stamina and that'll take a day or two of rest after that I should be able to start training! This is perfect!


"Mama! Do we have to go home! I don't wanna!" My brother was the first to complain and I just stood in front of Giyuu with my arms crossed and laughed while watching him and my sister look furious cause they had to leave early.

Man this was comedic gold.

"Yeah why didn't you just leave Ena chan with the bandages it would give us more time with her and Giyuu!"

"Hey you two stop your complaining your sister is taking you to the moon house to start your pillar training." My mother said annoyingly but my siblings faces lit up once she said they're Eres coming with me and that made me happy.

"What?! Really?!"

"Yes I am haha you guys are old enough for it and plus I don't wanna be a pillar forever so we will start the training on Saturday which is two days from now you both will stay with me at my main estate within the moon house and we will move to the training estate after two day of rest and meditation!"

"Oh wow awesome Ena! Is Giyuu gonna be training too?!" My sister asked curiously while point at Giyuu

"Yes I am." Giyuu responded rather quickly and that made both of my siblings cheer in glee!


My siblings love Giyuu he may be a bit distant with them but he likes them too he finds there company to be enjoyable but we must go before sundown or we won't make it to the moon house till morning! So I cut the laughing and chatter to a end until next time though and just called for a group hug before the four of us leave it little did I know was that my man did not follow me as I went to go get say my goodbyes to my family....

But why?

Please Just Let me in (a Giyuu Tomioka love story.)Where stories live. Discover now