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"Tomioka kun.....tomioka kun.....tomioka kun!" Geez when this guy sleeps it's hard to wake him up he was sweating really hard though and looked very distraught maybe he was having a bad dream or something? But he said we were leaving at sunrise and sunrise is in less than ten minutes so he better wake up and eat our rice cakes now before we go I mean he needs to eat his cause I ate mine already haha but he just won't budge just what do I do?!

Ahaha!!! I got it I'll just do what I did to my siblings when I had to wake them up it always worked but this is embarrassing cause it's tomioka kun we are talking about here but I just blushed and gave in kneeled down by his ear then did a falsetto tune with my voice three times and boom his eyes snapped open! "Hooray your awake! You said wake up at sunrise yet you were going to sleep past it."

"What did you do to me?" Tomioka kun sounded like he was going to slit my through for touching him which made me sweat a bit but I didn't do anything!!!

"Huh me? I just sang a falsetto up and down three times it's prone to triggering my siblings out of there dreams and waking them up I thought it would have worked on you haha and it did."

"Oh....well we should be heading out now let's go."

"Understood I'm right behind ya!" Now we are off and on the road to our final destination haha yay!

I actually walked beside tomioka kun and didn't say much to him there wasn't really much to talked about one and two I didn't want to ask him personal questions either that would be bad and I don't want to be nosy either tomioka kun seems like he's had a hard life and I don't want to intervene with that at all.

But if his life was hard I would surely try and make it better!

"Did you eat breakfast this morning Ena?" My goodness his voice scared me and made me jump just a tad bit but I quickly shook my head and started sweating a lot more cause wait giyuu started a conversation with me!!!!!

"Huh? N-no I ate what little food I had last night while we were on the road haha."

"You need to eat something to get energy here."  Huh Wait this is his food why is he holding it out to me!!!!! I don't deserve it

"Huh a rice cake? Tomioka kun why are you giving this to me did you eat yet?"

"No I haven't but I'll survive and didn't you say you need lots of food to stay energized cause your fighting technique takes a lot of energy out of you?"

"Y-Yeah." But I never told him that I think I told Shinobu Sama so she watches me all with it and makes sure I have lots of nutrients but I never told tomioka kun I don't think maybe he was listing in on our conversation but I not know why....

"Well then take this." He put it directly in front of my eyes making me look directly at it but hey why was he being so nice?!

"But what will you eat then tomioka kun?"

"I'll be fine." He turned me down so quickly as I took his food but he needed to eat as well it'll give him a bit of energy!

"Oh please at least have half you need to eat as well!!!" I split the rice cake in half but it was horribly split and terribly uneven cause my hands were shaking a lot from the constant conversing me and tomioka kun were having right now but I wanted him to eat as well so I put the bigger half out to him and smiled. "So take this half I'm sure you'll thank me later!"

"I am fin-."

"I said take this half!" I had enough of him going against me and trying to be chivalrous or whatever the heck was up with him i stopped walking then stood directly in front of him when I did too my free hand underneath his chin to make his mouth open just enough for me to shove this food in his mouth so that way he could eat! "There That should do it good right?"

Of course he didn't answer me his mouth was full haha his cheeks were cut when puffy like that from the food he looks like a squirrel so cute!

"Alright then while your chewing we can continue to move come on now let's g-." No way no fucking way I was going to finish talking but I felt a sudden vibration go straight through my chest and that made my eyes widened.

"D-did you feel that tomioka kun?"

"Feel what?"

"My power allows me to feel vibrations within the many layers in the air there are millions of them and I can feel them all...there different vibrations for different things."

"Wait but wouldn't a person who uses lightning be able to hear things better?"

"Not me cause I move with the vibrations I don't move with the sound the lighting produces on the ground with every move I only move so fast that lightning is produced as I move....it's a lot to explain I'll explain it if we have alone time together but wait....that vibration it's north of us....it's where our destination is a-and it's a....it's a demon! We need to move there's others with it!" We definitely needed to pick up the pace so that's what we both did I shoved the food in my hand in my mouth and started booking it with tomioka kun cause we need to get to our destination even quicker than we thing possible!

"Tomioka kun! Come here and grab onto me."


"I'm going to use my electric glide to get us to our destination but we have to go now grab onto me and hold tight or your arm might get blown off."

"Ok." My goodness I felt like I was on cloud nine giyuu our his hand on top of mine and I did immediately blush cause this feeling was new to me but I liked it a lot damn it Ena focus worry about that later!

After he placed his hand in mine I just sighed and relaxed my muscles in the lower half of my body to gather up energy from the top and once I was all good I just sighed letting out a nice cool breath of air and then opened my eyes. "Ok hold on tight tomioka kun and follow my lead.....electric glide step!"

Please Just Let me in (a Giyuu Tomioka love story.)Where stories live. Discover now