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My goodness the food was good though me and tomioka kun stuffed our faces until our hearts content! The food was amazing and we practically looked like stuffed boars by the time we were done eating! Everything was so perfect I swear it that's just how my moms cooking is haha.

"Thank you for the food mama!"

"Yes thank you for the food Mrs. Koemi."

"No problem! Now both of you clean up then your free to do whatever." What clean up?! I thought we were guests and why was tomioka kun pulled into it!!!!!

I just sighed and didn't defy her rules and just cleared the table and went to go wash the dishes and to my surprise tomioka kun came to help me!

"You have a weird family."

"Haha I'll take that as a compliment to my name tomioka kun I'm sure your family is as lively as mine."

"If anything your mother acts just like you."

"I suppose haha my mom is a nice lady. My dad is a strict man and siblings are like normal kids haha it's a normal standard family......but you never talk about your tomioka kun....what was your family like did you have any siblings or anything?"

"I had one sibling a sister name Tsutako tomioka."

"Oh wow really! Can I meet her?!" I asked as happily as I could be I bet she is a great women and if she looks anything like tomioka kun I'm sure she's quite beautiful!

"If she was alive you would have."

"Huh?! Oh my goodness tomioka kun I didn't mean to bring that u-."

"It is alright you didn't know."

"Umm it may be wrong to ask but what happened to her?"

"Her right along with my mother and father will killed by demons I'm the only one left."

"Oh geez I'm so sorry...." now I feel like a terrible person for asking about such personal information I'm sure tomioka kun didn't want to share and now he did I'm sure it made him uncomfortable.....I looked out where family was and seen there eyes watching us even if it was slightly then just sighed and stopped the rag in my hands and dried my hands off just as I put hand on tomioka kun's shoulder and smiled at him "ummm tomioka kun let's go outside I don't want my parents snooping in on us talking haha."

"Yeah sure." That was all he had to say cause we both finished cleaning as quick as we could before we just went outside and I just lead him to this spot where I always went to watch the moon my tree house duhh!!!!

" That was all he had to say cause we both finished cleaning as quick as we could before we just went outside and I just lead him to this spot where I always went to watch the moon my tree house duhh!!!!

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"So you just have a house in a tree next to your house?"

"Geez way to think captain obvious." I said with a laugh he must thing he's very humorous or something haha "but come on you get a good view of the moon in here and the stars...."

"They are nice."

"Yeah they are...." I got really relaxed while looking at the nigh sky with him the candles that I lite to give us some light really set a nice calming mood between the both of us and we both just relaxed in it.

But I guess we got so relaxed that we kind of moved closer to one another as our hands reach out and touched but I jumped when I felt his fingers brush against mine and put them over my heart.

"Oh I'm sorry."

"It's fine..."

"Tomioka kun you always tell me it's fine or that it's alright to me....but I guess sometimes I feel like your lying to me maybe it's cause your not comfortable with me or cause you don't like being with me or whatever but you can tell me how you truly feel sometimes it won't hurt just to let it out and tell me what's on your mind."

"Your always on my mind."

"H-huh?" Was I hearing him correctly did he really just said that it was me? I needed to hear that again to make sure my ears weren't playing tricks on me....

"Your always on my mind, when I'm asleep, when I'm away, when I'm killing demons it doesn't matter Your always there...."

"T-tomioka kun?" It can't be he said it twice it can't be that I'm always on his mind he's just playing with me isn't he cause he won't even look my way most of the time! Why would it be me I thought it was shinobu cause they spent lots of time together and I honestly cried at least three times because of it....it can't be me there's no way....

"You told me to tell you what's on my mind so I told you." And after he said that he just looked at me making my eyes widen as I placed my hand over my racing heart but I felt my eyes getting glossy and widening I felt them forming tears so before he seen me so vulnerable and low I covered my eyes with my hands and stood up cause I needed help....

"I-I'm sorry I'll be right back...." that's all I said before I ran out the tree house to get the help I need and help from my mom cause I know she can give me the best advice.

"M-mama....can you come outside?"

"Yes I'm coming!!!! What's wrong hon-AHHH!!!!!" I grabbed my mom once she came outside and just used my electric glide step to get us somewhere secluded from the others...then I let it out...."Why did you take me in the middle of the woods?! WAIT WHY ARE YOU CRYING!!!!"

"Mama I don't know what to do I-I've been like this since I left home with tomioka kun and everything about him it feels like I'm stuck and I don't know what to do!!!!"

"Oh honey just what happened?"

"H-he told me I'm the only one he thinks about day and night and i-I'm just overwhelmed by the information mama I-I don't know what to thing or what to do!!!"

"First of all honey breathe for me you'll pass out if you don't....secondly I read every single letter you wrote to me about that boy and I understand how you feel you just don't know yourself I'm sure you've had others tell you this but maybe it'll make you realize it if your mama tells you how you feel.....honey your in love with him."


"Your happy when your around him right?"


"You feel so attached to him that you don't want to be apart from him don't you?"

"I-I suppose."

"You think he's the man for you don't you sweetheart?"

"Y-Yeah mama..."

"Look at me honey.....look at me and tell me you don't love him..." I couldn't do I just couldn't say it and it only made me cry even more I just couldn't cause I don't know how I feel and it was driving me insane at this point and it making me go crazy.....

"Mama I don't know if I do or not."

Please Just Let me in (a Giyuu Tomioka love story.)Where stories live. Discover now