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"Ok Um here we are the star slumber chamber where we basically just sleep under the stars."

"We aren't outside though." Giyuu pointed out and my face flattened did I have to tell him every secret of my chambers? Ugh it's supposed to be a secret for a reason but I might as well tell him what it is.

"It's a projection me and my dad designed it you can take that futon I'll take this o-." I guess Giyuu didn't like the part of being apart haha he just grabbed my by my hand and pulled me close to him that startled me though he could have gave me a warning or something haha "Wah!!!!! Geez Giyuu warn me next time haha."

"Why don't we use the same one?" Giyuu asked me as he softly whispered in my ear and that made me feel all warm in the face again....

"Uhhh um are you sure."

"Yes." He really did sound sure of it that he did want to sleep beside me I guess I was just going to have to swallow up my pride and sleep by his side for the rest of the day...

"Well y-your wish is my command I s-suppose." I softly said as he let me go only to proceed in putting his hair up in his usual ponytail but I kept mine unpinned for tonight just deciding to sleep with it down draping down my sides.

But here is the best and it worse part of today laying in bed together it has happened before between us but never with our knowledge and willingly doing so we always ended up holding each other in our sleeps when we resided at my parents home I just happened between us a lot but we never knew we were doing it but tonight we were totally aware of it so we firstly Laid here on the same futon facing each other because we both weren't exactly tired yet and I just wants to see giyuu's face before I fell asleep.

"The future seems bright for us right?" I asked while staring into his blue eyes that were as dull as a unsharpened pencil after being used for such a long time I wish I could change the look in his eyes I can only try though to make him see things differently.

"The future never seemed bright to me but if your there with me it'll be lighter." I ended up smiling after he said those words I'm glad I possibly light up his world. I put my hand on his cheek when he said that and just kiss the bridge of his nose after he spoke because I was relieved to hear his words.

"Do I make you happy Giyuu?"

"Everytime I see your smile it makes me happy." That's such a good thing I soon pressed my lips against his after he said those kind words to me I'm glad he feels that way it means I'm doing my job but maybe not completely.....there is still something else I have to do as well.

"Giyuu why don't you do this for others?" I had to ask this to get a better understand as to why he only shows this side of himself to me other deserve to see it as well and it'll make his rep look better as well I wish he would do so as well it'll make me so much happier.

"Do what?"

"Talk, smile, ya know everything you do for me do for others your a totally different person when your with me why can't you be like that for others so they can know just who you really are as a hashira and as a person."

"Those other people aren't you."

"But does that really matter? other people deserve to see this side of you the kinder, cuter and dorky side ya know the other pillars think your stuck up and think that your superior to them Giyuu?"

"Huh?" Yes I know he heard me right I wasn't one to lie to him so I told him the truth of what others think of him and that made his eyes widen but he needs to know this so hopefully he can change.

"They think that you believe that your at a higher standing and placement then them that your the superior and they are the inferior."

"It's the opposite." He softly spoke just as his face fell it almost looked like he broke down....

"Giyuu....why do you think that way?" I asked him while placing my hand on his shoulder to consolidate him so he knows I'm there and that he can talk to me it's to make him more comfortable that's all....

"I don't deserve to be a pillar.....I hardly even passed the final selection if it wasn't for sabito I would have died he should have passed and lives not m-."

"Giyuu stop Saying such negative things he made it so that way you wouldn't of have had died so that way you'd have a future, one you can love and be proud of he wanted you to be happy." "Don't think that he died in vain he died so that everyone in final selection could have a future sabito was a selfless man I'm sure he would have slapped you right now for talking all this nonsense like he did before...."

"Huh? Ena?" Every time he's so negative in his position but there are people that literally look up to him and model there training after what he can do and what they want to be I hate that he doesn't think he's good enough when he's the best at what he does! It just frustrates me beyond No end....

"I hate how you always think your not good enough or that you don't deserve what you have but you do and you deserve more than that Giyuu....you've been through so much but you were strong enough to fight through the pain and sorrow you faced and ended up here where you are now. You should be happy your alive And you are where you are now ugh you need to find a purpose or a goal in life Giyuu make that purpose or goal your strength to get stronger and become a better person for yourself and for others and make whatever reasoning you've come up with you way of living and obide to that purpose and or goal itll make you happier if it's is succeeded or met I promise you."

"My goal has always been to make you mine now it's to make you happy." I faintly blushed when he said that after everything I said he still thought of me it made me extremely happy but then again I want him to be mindful of others as well.

But as he placed his hand on my cheek I felt a few tears of sympathy slip down my cheek for him and he quickly wiped them away Giyuu is a very misunderstood person and I hate that people misunderstand him and don't respect him but he has to change that for himself as well I can't do it he has to be accountable and do it himself but he set a goal he's already met and he met it a long time ago.

"Then you've met your goal Giyuu....you met it the moment you told me you loved me."

Please Just Let me in (a Giyuu Tomioka love story.)Where stories live. Discover now