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I have to break the mask he currently has on to get inside his heart and get him to open up but just how would I do that? I had so many more questions for urokodaki Sama but he just walked away from me after he said that and left me hanging but left me with tons to think about and I went back home with that information and slept on it then woke up with no plan whatsoever to break that mask and for him to let me in....

"Please when your done training the boy and watching over his sister and the boy passes the final selection please send him to my estate I need to take to him and the girl without any distractions."

"Understood I will send them your way very soon."

That was the final talk I had with his Sensei urokodaki Sama I wanted to personally apologize once more to them and get a confirmed it was ok from them both before I can settle down and move on from them.

And however long I'm waiting for them to show up at my door I'll be waiting for now I'll continue going on missions and living a normal life as a damn hunter and a pillar haha!

Today was a day a single week has passed since the meeting with urokodaki Sama and I just back from mission number three but once I got home I just sighed I just sighed finally deciding to get rest....

"ENA CHAN!!!!!" That voice scared the living daylights out of me but my face flattened when I realized who it was....

"My goodness." The moment I got out of my uniform freshened up and slipped into a loose kimono I heard that ever so annoying voice and a irk mark immediately appeared on my forehead but I immediately went to go get tengen to leave!

"Ena Chan! I came yesterday and you weren't here."

"Yeah cause I was on a mission yesterday I'm the fastest pillar so they bombard me with missions what do yo want tengen?"

"You to be my wife of course." My goodness he just won't let this go would he? I hate to keep turning him down but then again me he will learn that I don't like him like that.

"I'll pass geez just ask someone else who is way more important and valuable than me."

"Ok....well how about this Ena Chan you and me go spar in just up that cliff over there if I win you have to come with me for one day if you win I'll leave you alone deal?"

"Deal! Let me grab my sword!" I'm going in this loose kimono I'm in right now I don't care at all if it'll get him off my back then so be it I'll take him down with my head held high!

"Wait no shoes?" Tengen asked me as I stepped outside with no shoes on whatsoever and I just shrugged not caring I wanted to do this battle and get it over with quickly!

"Nope I could care less about the ground right now haha say tengen if I win I'll go out with you one time if you win I'll suffer and become your wife."

"Oh so your upping the price?"

"Yes I am But Either way it's to make you happy in some way shape or form plus I need a husband I'm not becoming any younger I may just have to stop looking where I have been."

"Oh yeah at tomioka San right?" No way no fucking way he guessed that right off the bat my eyes widened when tengen said his name and I immediately blushed upon hearing it there's no way he thinks that I like tomioka kun that's absurd!!


"Yeah you've been looking at him haven't you it's kind of obvious."

"N-no I haven't is swear it!!!!!" I shouted to try to get him to change his mind but it wasn't working and tengen looks like he accepted it and he shouldn't have!!!!! Cause I don't like tomioka kun!

"You don't have to lie Ena Chan if you are interested in him then so be it I can't change that. He'd be very lucky to have you as your a beautiful, smart and strong women who does her job as flamboyantly as can be!"

"Oh umm tengen that was actually really sweet." He really thinks those things of m? That was very sweet of him and it even made me blush right after it went away tengen was always sweet but sometimes he came off the opposite end of the truck with his personality he's an odd one but he's just a flamboyant gentlemen in my eyes.

"Meh that's just normal talk haha I wouldn't be such a flamboyant man if I didn't know how to talk to beautiful women." Y-Yeah no wonder this man has a way with words he has three wives no way he would have persuaded me with any type of words or phrases to make me marry him with three other side pieces attached to his hip I'll heavily pass but if he ever wants to evolve with me and make something like Friendship then I'm really down with that and we don't even have to fight to make that happen.

While thinking about that I just stopped walking and crossed my arms in thought maybe I should just go out one time with tengen he's been nothing but king to me haha he even knows my favorite food or foods haha
(It's all types of Mochi and dango sticks!) well anyways I was thinking I just got back from a mission maybe I should unwind with him instead of chasing after someone who doesn't care.....

"Ya know what tengen I'll go on a date with you without the fighting we can go right now if you want to."

"Are you serious!"tengen asked me in shock eyes wide and everything and I nodded with a smile on my face if I can make someone happy today, I'll be happy!

"Yes I am, do you have anywhere in mind that you'd wanna go?"

"You like sweets right?" Tengen asked me and I nodded "then glet's go find somewhere to get you some sticky dango sticks I suppose that'll be a date enough."

"Oh my god! Hooray! I'll follow behind ya tengen let's go!" I love sweet if I get my hands on some I'll be very happy!!!!! And it looks to me like tengen is buying to wow this is a good day!!!!!

Please Just Let me in (a Giyuu Tomioka love story.)Where stories live. Discover now