Kakyoin x awkward&shy!Reader: secret admirer

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It was Valentine's day at your high school. You walked into the classroom and saw all the girls handing chocolates and candy out to one another (in Japan this is popular for Valentine's day) you handed out all your candies with a small note attached to each one. "Happy Valentine's Day!" It read.

But, you held one special box of candy close to you that you spent some extra time on. Of course, it was for Noriaki. The kindest guy in your grade. You were too shy to give to to him personally, so you planned to sneak it in his bag. You glared at him from across the room.

When you got back to your desk in homeroom, you noticed a not that was already tucked inside your desk.

"Meet me in front of the school under the large tree 15 minutes after the last bell."

A note... for you!? You could it possibly be. You knew there was no way it was Noriaki-kun. You just only wished. You looked back up to him. He left the room before you knew it, and you didn't even have a chance to sneak it to him.

The rest of the day you were thinking about the note tucked inside your desk. You never had the chance to give kakyoin his treat you made. Your head was down after school got out, but you waited in the exact spot just in case there was a chance that it was him who wrote the note. You clenched the special candies tight in your hands.

You felt a tap behind you. You turned to see a bright smile under a thick lock of red hair.

"Ahhh... K-kakyoin!?"

"Remember the note.. well it was from me" he giggled

You felt so shy and embarrassed for some weird reason.. you weren't mentally prepared for the note to ACTUALLY be from him. It was just an ILLUSION in your mind.

He focused his lanvender eyes on you. "(Y/n)-chan" he giggled "I'm here to give you a gift"

From behind his back he pulled a single red rose and held it out to you. You blushed and accepted it.

"I've just been wanting to tell you.. i've had a crush for a little while now. And if you don't feel the same, well it's alright."

"No kakyoin- I DO feel the same! Please just mind my awkwardness"

He smiled again you looked down as his red curl bounced in front of his face. "I understand, I am too (y/n)-chan. Maybe we'll get along even better"

You giggled with him

"So perhaps we go on a date... If you have some time?"

"Oh... Of course! I have plenty of that haha"

Before you took off with him to the cafe you remembered the chocolates. "Oh here Noriaki- these are for you. I was gonna give them earlier but i never got around to it"

Kakyoin kindly accepted them. "That's so sweet of you (y/n)" he opened the box and took a bite of one "wow.. they're cherry flavored on the inside! How did you know that was my favorite!?"

"Well it's my favorite" you blushed

(a/n: sorry if you don't like cherry chocolate because I'm personally not a fan, buut it just made the story much cuter ahaha)

He carefully closed the box. "I'll save the rest for later, I must spoil my appetite. Let go (y/n)"

You tagged along behind him. It was just the start of a beautiful (yet awkward) and cute new relationship 😊💕

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