🌹Rohan x Reader: frustrations🌹

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You watched as the manga artist glided his own across his paper without talking your eyes off him.

Rohan was a few years older than you, as for you were still a highschooler in the same grade as your boyfriend Josuke. You had become a good friend of Rohan's after meeting him though Josukes friend Koichi. Josuke and Rohan didn't get along with one another, and you could see that quite clearly. Whenever you spoke of Rohan Josuke would just roll his eyes away. So, you decided to stop talking about him in every way.

"Wow Rohan, you really are talented!" You said

"Thanks (y/n), writing takes practice. I've been doing it my entire life." He responded while still focused on his work

He looked up at you for a second and smiled. "Oh, would you like a cup of tea?" He offered

You looked down at your watch. "It's okay Rohan. I have to get going now. I promised if meet Josuke at his house at 3:30 to go study." You got up and picked up your school bag that you set in the corner of his work room. "Thank you though"

"No problem, (y/n). I'll see you tomorrow?"

Just as you were about to leave out his door, you turned around "of course Rohan, I'll see you!" You said as you turned around again and waved from behind.

-time skip over to josukes house-

When you got up to Josukes door he opened it immediately and wrapped his arms around you into a hug.

"You're late (y/n)! Where have you been?" He said

"Oh- josuke... You're squeezing me so tight"

"Oh I'm sorry!" He loosened up and then took you inside to his table to where you normally study with him

"I'm sorry I'm late josuke I had a few errands to run after School"

"You weren't hanging out with Rohan were you- I mean.. I don't mind who you hang out with, but me and Rohan don't get along."

"No josuke don't worry about it" you said denying it

Josuke was really immature compared to Rohan, but you still loved him. Rohan was a mature adult who had his mind on more serious things. The truth was, you've been having feelings for Rohan lately and they've been shrinking for Josuke; and you hated to admit it to yourself- because you were already with josuke. But you always wondered if being with Rohan would be better for you.

So when you and josuke were done studying he walked you out to the front door.

"I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow?" He asked holding your hand

"Yes Josuke" you said as you have him a kiss on the lips

-time skip to the next day-

After a full day of school Josuke told you that he was busy with his mom so it would be better if you came over the next day to study, and you agreed with the plan

You walked over to Rohan's house to give him a visit like you promised him.

You stepped in the door he left open because he knew he was expecting you, and locked it behind you

You walked up the stairs and went over to the room he normally works in.

"Rohan?" You said as you cracked the door open to see him working on his manga like usual

Rohan turned around and a smile lit up his face when he saw you. He pulled up a chair next to him. "It's lovely seeing you again today (y/n). I have some tea that I already made for you, please drink it before it's hot"

You giggled and took a seat curious to see what he was working on today.

As the hours went by, he occasionally gave you a look at his story and asked for your opinion. You felt so honored that he trusted you with his work.

But he started to look a little frustrated, you closely examined his facial expressions. He just grunted and scooted back in his chair.

"What's wrong Rohan?" You asked

"I'm just stuck" he said "I'm on a part where I'm not too sure how to make this part I came up with fit in. Every way I think, it doesn't make sense."

"Rohan I think you need to take a break" you said trying to keep him calm. "Maybe lay down for a few minutes and I can take a look at it?"

He got up out of his seat. But instead of going away he pulled you in close to him and wrapped his arms tight around your waist into a huge hug.

"R-rohan" what's this for?" You asked

"I just needed it" he said

Without hesitation you hugged him back and patted his back

He then let go "I'm so sorry- I just..."

"It's okay" you giggled "that's what you wanted wasn't it?"

"No, you don't understand (y/n). I'm apologizing in advance for what I'm about to do to you."

Without speaking anymore he crashed his lips against yours. For a second you thought about pushing him away, but you couldn't. You just let it be; closed your eyes and kissed him back and moved along with every one of his movements.

Then after the long passionate kiss, you both let go of one another. You were shocked. And Rohan looked down . "(y/n) I'm so sorry... That wasn't right "

"Rohan... It's okay." You said

"No it's not... Listen (y/n) I've had feelings for a while and I'm not too sure if it's okay that I do. I mean you have josuke."

"I have feelings too. But I can't leave josuke like this. Please let me take some time to figure this out alright?"

"Take all the time you need (y/n), just remember I will always be here." He said as he brought you into his lap for a cuddle. You stayed there and it comforted him

Rohan did really want to be yours more than anything in the world. You wanted to be his. But you were stuck in the middle of loving two guys. Nothing frustrated you more than that, but you knew it couldn't stay like this. You had to figure your feelings out eventually.

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