🌹Narancia x Reader: Faded Fears🌹

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You were walking down the streets of Venice Italy, it was a cold night with a little rain. You decided to take the long route home since the weather was nice.

As you walked passed an alleyway, you heard a faint cry for help. Shocked, you looked around everywhere to find the person asking for help

You saw a boy about your age maybe a little younger on the ground covered in blood. It seemed as if he got in a fight and had been stuck there for some time. He had his hair in a messy hairstyle, dark purple eyes and wore a black tank top and pants with a orange wrap around his waist.

"Are you okay, what happened?" You asked

"The enemy left me like this" he said "I need to find Buccellati"

You knew he'd die if he'd been left there any longer so you decided to help. You picked him up and took him back to your room close by.

You felt like a mother taking care of her child after he got injured, but what else could you do, you couldn't leave him there.

You made him a bath and cleaned his wounds and put bandages on him. You let him borrow some of your clothes while you cleaned and patched his up. You later him down on your bed and he knocked out instantly. You sat there sewing his pants.

Eventually, he woke up

"Where am I?" He asked "are you the person who saved me?"

"My name is (y/n) and you were very injured so I took you in." You said "do you remember anything that happened?"

"No I don't remember much now, I think I forgot after falling asleep. All I remember is the dark alleyway and you taking me here, before that it's all a blur"

"Maybe you need some more rest. Maybe when you're better we can take a walk around town and see if something comes back to memory?" You offered

You were a genuinely kind person, most people wouldn't do so much for someone. But you felt bad for him in his critical condition.

"Do you have a name?" You asked

"Yes I remember my name, it's Narancia"

After he said that he fell back asleep again. You left him be for the night.

The next morning you walked into the room with some food and brought it to him. He layed there with his eyes open.

"Do you feel better today?" You asked

"Yes, my leg still hurts though, by the way
(y/n) thank you for everything, you didn't have to save me. You could have left me there and I would have been okay"

"Narancia, I couldn't leave you there. My heart wouldn't allow me to do that" you checked the bandages on his legs

You were a stand user, your stands name was aqua blue and had the power to heal with water.

Narancia noticed your stand. "You have one too don't you...?" He asked "I also have a stand"

"Oh you're able to see it?"

"Yes I have a stand too, called Aerosmith"

Since he was weak you could vaguely see his stand , you were shocked. I'm taking care of another stand user

You plopped down next to him after you healed up his leg.

"Is that better?" You asked

"Yes it feels much better" he said cheerfully as he started eating his breakfast

After we was finished he put his dishes aside the bed "how can I thank you (y/n) for saving my life, I owe you everything he whispered into your ear."

Your heart was beating fast, you just met him. So how could you have these feelings?

Without thinking you held him in your arms. "No need to. Just let me take care of you until I know you're okay, and that will make me happy."

Narancias bandaged face blushed and layed on your chest and the both of you fell asleep again. That was the start of a new romance.

Hello readers! Let me know what you thought of this hehe and maybe I'll make a part 2 to this specific story!!

Also if anyone has requests please let me hear them!!

~emerald ✨💖

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