message from author (=^.^=)

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I'd like to introduce myself a bit better!! So I made a list of my favorite boys from JoJo's ~

My favorite JoJo's husbandos

10. Mista
9. Giorno
8. Josuke
7. Kakyoin
6. Joseph
5. Narancia
4. Rohan
3. Polnareff
2. Buccellati
1. Jotaro

My waifus are Trish and Speedwagon ~

I have so many more husbandos and waifus just that would take all day to cover 😅

My favorite part: tie between stardust crusaders and diamond is unbreakable 💖

I am also American, and half japanese 💖 I've been to Japan before for vacation to visit family

The next part will be Buccellati x reader ~ so check back soon for it!!

JoJo's Bizzare One Shots and Preferences (Requests OPEN!) Jjba X Reader ❤️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz