(Kars) & Pillar Men x Kitten!Reader

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Hello everyone! I'm so sorry for the long- awaited update! Here is a request for @amethysttiger who also came up with the cute idea for this chapter as well!! Anyways I hope you enjoy ♥️

Kars was walking through the dark forrest and came across a small cave with a light in it. Out of his curiousity he decided to approach the cave. The opening was narrow so with his bare hands be crumbled away some of the rocks around it to help him get in.

He discovered a small girl inside the cave lying there. She looked starving, cold and abandoned. She was seriously injured as well. He inhaled her scent and she looked human, and smelled human- yet not. She has sharp black claws, and a tail with slightly rounded cat ears that are black and white with tiger stripes. She wore a pastel pink night gown, and it looks dirty and damaged.

After carefully lifting her cold, wet hair away from her neck, he realized she was wearing a black leather collar with a purple heart tag that reads "kitten"

After suddenly relalizing the man was touching her, she woke up and jumped backwards with fear. With an arched back, she slowly crept away from him with fear filling her sweet eyes.

"It's okay, I promise I won't hurt you" kars said softly

You, the kitten, were still afraid. You backed away against the wall. No matter what, you decided to never trust anyone ever again after you were abused and abandoned by your previous owner.

Kars didn't get any closer. He noticed the scars and bruises all over your trembling body .

"I know you're afraid, but please come with me. I want to take care of you. I don't want you to die like this" kars said.

Kars was a cold hearted-man, but he always had a soft spot for animals. He truly felt sorry for you and wanted you to have a better place to live.

Kars held his hand out "do you trust me?"

You were still backed up against the wall, but you slowly took a few steps closer and reached your paw-like hand and touched his

"N-nya" you said softly

Kars wrapped his hand around yours and picked you up. "You are coming home with me now"

When he took you back to his home, the other pillar men came to see the new creature kars brought with him

"What is this?" Wamuu asked

"This is kitten." Kars said "she just needs a home and someone to love her. So we're keeping her with us now"

Wamuu reached his hand out to touch you but you jumped back and hissed at him, the only person you trusted, only a little bit, was Kars, because he brought you to away from danger.

"Don't be afraid, kitten" Kars said to you

You layed on the foot of his bed and wamuu and esidisi came in and sat near you.

"You can trust them" he said "they're my brothers"

You sat quietly and the other two men have you a head pat.

Kars brought in some water and sweets for you, and cleaned you up with help from esidisi and wamuu. Then, they realized how sleepy you were so kars sat next you while you layed you head down. You inched closer to him and rested your head in his lap. He brought you in closer and stroked you back and gently patted your head.

The other two men came in quietly as you slept and you cuddled with them as well. They were such kind men, and you weren't to sure how; but you felt as if you could trust them.

"I promise I will take care of you better than anybody ever has before" Kars whispered softly into your ear "we love you, kitten" as he kissed behind your ear

You purred at him and the soft touches of the other pillar men. Is this what love is?

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