🌹 Jotaro Kujo x Reader: Ocean Man🌹

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Hello there, it's Emerald again. So I'm sitting on the beach right now while writing this part and a felt a little inspired to write a one-shot about jotaro Kujo, so anyways enjoy ~

This story takes place sometime between parts 3 and 4

It was about 4 in the afternoon and you were sitting on the beach. You didn't specifically enjoy swimming, because you didn't like the sticky Sandy feeling of the beach. It was more like you just enjoyed sitting in the sand watching the waves. Trying to get your mind off your stressful life.

You thought you were alone on this specific beach but you heard some footsteps. You looked behind you and it turned to be Jotaro Kujo, your friend from college

Jotaro sat beside you. "Didn't expect to see you here today (y/n). How have you been"

"Me neither, and Good just a lot going on in life" you replied

"That's understandable, I'm doing the same thing. I like to go here to think"

Suddenly you turned to one another. Your eyes met with his blue eyes. You never realized he had blue eyes, they were so beautiful.

"(y/n)" said jotaro "I feel like fate brought us together today " a slight smile formed on his face. You've never seen him smile before. Then he looked down at the sand and adjusted his white hat

"I feel the same" you said

"Yare yare..." He held out his hand "go for a walk with me?"

You gladly accepted it and intertwined your fingers into his. He held it tightly. Then The two of you walked by the shore hand in hand until the sun had finally set

When the sun was down the two of you sat next to one another on at rock at the edge of the pier you layed your head on his string shoulder that he offered to you

Then, a wave crashed up against the rock it soaked the both of you. You stood up soaking, bit lost your step and slipped into the ocean. Jotaro yelled "(y/n)!!!" He took off his white coat and hat and Jumped into the cold water to find you. It was dark so it was extremely hard to see anything.

Jotaro ducked his he'd under the water and felt around. The water was too deep and couldn't feel your body. Without thinking twice he called for his stand "STAR PLATINUM" star plantinum and him dove several feel down, then his stand felt your hand and pulled it out

When star platinum pulled your head out jotaro grabbed a hold of you body and set it on the dock and the then pulled his body out after yours. You were unconcious. Jotaro put his head against your chest to check if your heart was beating. It was beating luckily but he couldn't feel a pulse on your neck. He then put his lips against yours to perform some resume breaths. After a few minutes your eyes fluttered open. You were awake.

"Jotaro, what happened.." you said shivering. Jotaro said nothing more and wrapped his arms around you

"(y/n) I'm so happy you're okay I was so worried" jotaro put his dry jacket that he set aside around you

You've never seen jotaro care so much. You hugged him back "jotaro I'm okay, that's all that matters now"

When the two of you finally let go Jotaro adjusted his hat back on. And looked into your eyes again like he did earlier.

"Yare yare daze.. don't give me a scare like that again okay" he said and then kissed you on the lips and then on both cheeks and forehead

Then he picked you up and carried you back to your car, he also drove you home in his car and made sure you were okay for the night

You both agreed to go on a date the next weekend.

aHHh I loved this one!! Let me know what you all think in the comments 💖

JoJo's Bizzare One Shots and Preferences (Requests OPEN!) Jjba X Reader ❤️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt