Chapter 39~ Desisions

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**Let me know what you think about me writing in 3rd person**

"Harry, Max texted me and said that he won't be able to be here. He had an emergency" Louis says to Harry.

They were all in the living room with Jessica in the kitchen. So close yet so far away...

Jessica knew that something was going on and that she wasn't going to be included. All day yesterday and today all she heard were whispers. Every time she entered a room, they would stop talking immediately. Change the subject even. Like they were doing now. And she was getting tired of the secrets.

"You know, I have noticed you guys being secretive around me and frankly, I'm getting tired of not being involved." She states as she heads for the staircase. Any thought she had about what to eat for lunch has now gone.

Harry, Liam, Louis, Niall, and Zayn all look at each other. Having a conversation with only their eyes. Deciding on their next plan of action. Deciding whether or not to reveal all to Jessica, or keep it a secret at the cost of her trust and feelings.

In the end, all eyes were on Harry. It is his sister after all. Harry looks at her momentarily before looking back at the other boys and slightly shaking his head.

They didn't tell her anything

Jessica, however, was expecting something different. She was expecting them to pity her for not including her and tell her everything that they have been whispering about and more. Expecting them to fall at her feet and beg for forgiveness. She was so expecting the thoughts in her mind to come true that she walked abnormally slow. But when she realized that they weren't going to tell her anything and time soon, she left the room.

"When are we going to tell her? How are we going to tell her? We can't just sit here forever and look at each other. She already knows that something is up." Harry bursts out as soon as soon as he hears Jessica's door close.

"Calm down. You just had the chance and it was your call and you blew it." Louis snaps.

"Would you lay down on the rudeness for a few seconds?" Liam says. "Harry's right. We have to tell her sometime."

"When?" Zayn asks

"As soon as possible. I have a feeling that the red sky is going to be the least of our worries if we don't make a decision now." Niall says Louis and Harry quickly share a glance. Remembering the research that they found out about the red sky.

"Niall's right." Zayn agrees. "Harry. You have to be the one who tells her."

Harry already expected this, so it wasn't a surprise when he was chosen. He had already been planning on what he was going to say. He looked down, not wanting to meet anybody's eyes. He didn't want their pity. He was ready.

"I tell her. Everything. Niall, you have to have the mask in your possession when I tell her. You have to be in there with me. Liam and Zayn, you two stay on the outside of the door just in case anything bad happens and me nor Niall can stop it. Louis, I need you to get as much research as you can on this mask. Anything will help." Harry says taking charge. Instead of them disagreeing and asking why he decided to step up, they just nodded.

"When do we start?" Niall says


Sorry this chapter is short had dance practice and then fell asleep... Tell me what you think about this chapter and let me know if should continue writing in 3rd person or not.

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