"Sleep" Urata X Reader

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You were gonna sleep over at Mafu's house along with Sakata,Soraru,and of course,Urata.

"(Y/N)-chan,we're gonna play some video games. Wanna join?" Mafu asked as he put the disk in the console.

"Sure!" You got one of the controllers.

But then,you saw that there were only four controllers so,you went to Urata and asked if he wanted to play first.

You walked to Urata,who was just sitting on the couch alone.

"Hey,Urata-kun? Do you wanna play first? I can just wait." You offered. Urata blushed at the offer. Of course,that was obviously because he had a crush on you. Urata shook head,trying to lose his train of thought.

"Ah-no thanks! You can play first!" He replied,still blushing. "You sure? I'm really okay with waiting." You asked again. He replied with another "No thanks" so,you then went off to playing the video game with Mafu,Soraru,and Sakata.


You needed to get your charger,which was in your bag. And you needed the charger obviously because,you had used your phone almost the whole day. You stood up and went to Mafu.

"I just need to get my charger in the other room. Be right back." You informed. "'Kay!" Mafu replied. Then,you went to the other room where tour charger was.

Urata saw you,despite being quiet the whole time. He stood up from his chair and informed Mafu that he was going to get something in the other room too.

Urata left and so,it was only Mafu,Sakata,and Soraru.

"Have you noticed anything about Urata today?" Sakata asked.

"Yeah,he has been acting a bit different recently. Well,not in a bad way,though." Mafu replied.

"Ever since (Y/N)-chan became our friend,he's been a bit quiet whenever she would be around." Soraru said as he rested his chin on his palm.

"Does he not like (Y/N)-chan?" Mafu asked himself.

Well,Mafu was wrong.


Urata entered the room. You looked at him,surprised due to the fact that he just went in the room out of nowhere.

"Ah,sorry did I scare you? Sorry that I forgot to knock." Urata apologized.

"Ah,no. Don't worry! It's fine!" You replied.

You finally found your charger after a while of looking around in your bag.

You were about to walk back to the door,when Urata tripped on one of the bags that were on the floor. He ended up accidentally,pinning you to the wall or should I say,he did the KA-BE-DON to you.

You blushed at what just happened. You guys just stayed silent and stared for a few seconds.

"Ah-sorry! I didn't mean to. I tripped on one of the bags!" Urata removed his arms,still blushing at what he just did to you.

"It's alright! You don't need to worry!" You smile at the brunette.

You walk to the door and go outside.

'W-what did I just d-do?!'


You were awake,even though it was the middle of the night.

You were sleeping in between Soraru and Urata.

You faced your left and saw that Urata was awake. He smiled at you.

"Can't sleep,huh? Me too." He laughed a bit.

It soon became silent and awkward. It was for an unknown reason.

Suddenly,Urata hugged you.

"I know this is all of a sudden but..."

"I like you (Y/N)-chan." Urata blushed.

You were surprised. Well,you weren't mad or disappointed. You were actually relieved. You did also have a crush on him.

"I like you too,Urata-kun." You reply,blushing really hard.

Urata,suddenly,covered the both of you with his blanket.

Urata kissed you for 3 seconds. You blushed even more,that is,if it was even possible.

He broke this kiss and smiled at you.

"Anyways,we should go to sleep now."


The next morning,the others found you you and Urata hugging each other. wwwwww

Hello again! I'm back with another Urata X Reader! This chapter's a bit longer than usual,isn't it? But still,I hope you guys liked this. Thank You For Reading!

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