Soraru X Reader (edited)

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You were going back home with your friend Soraru after doing a collab at a studio. You two were just talking to each other and making jokes like always,pretty much nothing out of the ordinary that's all.

That is until,one sudden memory appeared in your mind.

You remembered that time when you got rejected by your previous crush back in high school. You were sad that time. You really liked that guy back in high school and then found out you weren't going to get him to like you back. It was sad.

You like Soraru now and you don't want to get rejected again. You had a sad look on your face. Soraru looked a bit worried because you were not talking anymore.

"Are you okay Y/N?" Soraru asked,concerned. You could tell that he was worried even tho he had his mask on. "Yeah I'm fine! Don't worry about it!" You said with a fake smile on your face.

'I wonder what she was thinking about..' Soraru thought.

You and Soraru were silent for the rest of the walk home.

When you got home you immediately flopped on the couch due to the tiredness you felt. Soraru saw this and just chuckled. "Why don't you take a bath first so you can rest already." Soraru suggested. You accepted his offer and headed to the bathroom.

You were still thinking of that traumatizing memory that you had. Even though you were alone in the bathroom,you held back your tears for some reason. You just took a bath like any other day and nothing happened.

After you were done taking a bath,you put clothes on and let Soraru take his turn to use the bathroom. He headed to the bathroom and you were all alone.

You felt like crying again and before you knew it,tears were flowing down your cheeks.

After Soraru was done taking a bath he put one some clothes and went back to the couch. There,he saw you crying. He didn't know what to do so he just sat on the couch as if nothing happened there.

Soraru spent the time sitting on the couch thinking about what he should do while you were beside him sobbing with tears all over your face. All you could think of was

'What does Soraru think about me?'

'How would he react if he knew I liked him'

Then..Soraru wrapped you in his arms. You were surprised and flinched a little due to his sudden action.

"Why are you crying?" Soraru asked you while wiping the tears of your face.

You did not say a thing.

"What happened?" Soraru asked you.

You told him everything and you would stop talking time to time due to the uncontrollable sobbing. He hugged you tighter. You finally told him your secret.



"I like you."

You smiled with a little tears left on your face. Soraru blushed and covered his face so you wouldn't know that he was. "I like you too." Soraru said. You were so happy that moment. "

Will you go out with me?" Soraru asked you while blushing really hard.

"Yes" You said and that's how you relationship started.

I'm sorry if this not that good! This is my first time writing an ff. I hope you at least enjoy this a little bit! Thankyou.

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