"Cookies" Mafumafu X Reader

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It was a normal afternoon. You were just chilling on your bed,using your phone. Nothing different. Your phone had low battery so your phone died. You were disappointed.

You went outside your room to get you charger. Mafu saw you and was confused. "What's with the mad face (Y/N)-chan?" Mafu asked. You looked at him. "My phone ran out of battery.." you answered. You got your charger and went back to your room.

You were just sitting on your bed,not doing anything. It was boring. You heard a knock on the door. "Come in." You said. Mafu opened the door. "Are you bored (Y/N)-chan?" Mafu asked. "Y-yeah,why?" You replied. "Then let's bake cookies!" Mafu answered. You agreed and you guys went to the kitchen.

"Let's make the dough first." You suggested. You got the ingredients and started to make the dough. After you and Mafu were done making the dough,he decided to put some chocolate chips on the cookies. "These are definitely gonna taste good!" Mafu said. You laughed a bit and smiled at him,making him blush. You put the cookies in the oven and waited for them to finish baking.

After a while,you and Mafu took out the cookies from the oven. "These look really good." Mafu said. "Yup,they sure do." You replied. You put the cookies on a plate. "Let's eat!" You both got one cookie each and ate it. "These are really sweet!" You said.

"Yeah,but do you know what sweeter?"


"You of course!"
*kisses you*

You were a blushing mess. "I love you" Mafu said. He hugged you.

"I love you too Mafu-kun."

Here's a Mafumafu X Reader. Well I don't really have anything to say here. I hope  you liked this. Thank you for reading!

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