Chapter 56: Rise

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The fighters immediately clashed. Piccolo was pushed back by the force of the blows. Piccolo jumped up and attempted to punch the young saiyan, but Goku countered and shattered his hand. He then delivered a quick kick to his stomach, knocking him to the ground. Piccolo brought his head up, distraught. This couldn't be real. No way could a mere boy compare to the unstoppable Piccolo. The namekian tried to fire off some eye beams in a desperate attempt to cripple his foe, but Goku didn't budge.
"This won't get any easier for you. Give back my dad and maybe I'll spare you." Goku wasn't in the best mood. And yet he couldn't help but laugh internally at the sentence he just said. Even after everything the monster had done, he had found it within himself to forgive him. But something in the back of his head was nagging him. Where did Piccolo put Bardock? Goku's eyes quickly darted around the battlefield, resting finally upon the ship that floated above the tower. Of course. Goku snapped his gaze back to his foe. "Well?! I'm going to give you one last chance before I destroy that ship and see what comes out!" Goku roared. Piccolo stumbled backwards. Goku slowly strode closer.
"Well?! I've waited long enough! Come on!" Goku yelled once more. He grabbed the power pole off his back and planted firmly before him.
"Extend!" Goku called. The pole shot forth, puncturing the ship above. It slowly careened out of the sky, landing with a might explosion. Piccolo stared in horror at the outline of his foe, lit up by the inferno behind him. A small jar fell long after and bounced in between the both of them. While Goku looked at it, Piccolo saw his opportunity and fired off a massive beam towards Goku. The young saiyan panicked and shot out a single ball of ki that wasn't quite in the direction of his opponent. So where... Right as Piccolo fired his devastation beam, it dawned on him what the monkey had taken aim at. As the beam collided with the young saiyan, a glorious flash of light emerged and the jar snapped into two. Standing amongst the smoke and blinding light, Bardock made his triumphant return. He slowly looked around and slowly pieced things together. He walked over to where Goku had fallen and picked him up.
"Hey there champ. Long time no see, Huh. Thanks for getting me out of that hell. Now what do you say we finish this?" Goku wearily nodded to his father. Piccolo had one last desperate scheme. He flew high into the air and turned his attention to where the duo was having their overdue reunion. He aimed his fists downward and screamed at the saiyans.
"Just you wait!!! I'll kill you all!!" He began charging an attack. The two saiyans locked eyes and nodded. Goku stood in his father's arms, and both called out in unison.
"Ka me" Bardock brought his hands together at his side, and Goku kept his hands within his father's.
"Ha me" Bardock pumped every ounce of ki he had into this. He knew it was all or nothing. Turns out being locked up and then freed takes a lot of energy out of you. Goku pumped every bit of power he had into this as well. He knew if it didn't end here, the earth might be destroyed. And he really didn't want his dad to lose two home planets.
Bardock jut his hands forth into the sky, in that moment releasing his son's own hands. Both of them fired simultaneously.
"HAAAA!!!!!" The beams clashed, sending Goku flying skyward. He purposely let his father's beam swallow his own so that it could carry him, and then as soon as he felt it falter, powered up his own beam, resulting in a rocket-speed Kakarot flying right at his namekian nemesis. Bardock could've sworn he could hear a familiar roar as his son rocket towards a defenseless namek, but oh well. This was much more important. Piccolo tried desperately to block the small simian, but it was useless. Goku was moving so fast and with so much force that he tore right though the aged namkian. He had won. Bardock collapsed on the ground with a smile as his son hurtled back down to earth.

Time skip!(don't count on these going anywhere)! 3 hours later!

Bardock slowly opened his eyes. Now where the Kami was he? Wait...this is...
"Dad! You're awake!" Goku nearly tackled his father. They were atop Korbin's tower. They had been fed senzu beans, and were back to tip top shape. Goku quickly explained everything that Bardock had missed while being imprisoned. Dragon's dead. Crapbaskets. Roshi's dead. Crapbaskets. Chiatzu's dead. You get the picture. Luckily Korin(and Yajirobe kind of) had the idea to go up to the man who had created Shenron in the first place: Kami. Bardock let out a sigh as he thought of the namekian he had always considered...well, they certainly weren't friends, and Kami certainly didn't like him. Bardock didn't know quite what that made them, but that wasn't important. He turned his head to his son.
"Hey Kakarot." Bardock spoke quietly.
"Yeah dad?" Goku asked, wondering what his dad was thinking of. Bardock bent over and ruffled his son's hair.
"Nice job saving the planet. I'm proud of you."

Power levels:
Bardock(post imprisonment): 12,622
Goku(post zenkai and battle): 750
Yajirobe: 350
Korin: 200

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