Chapter 27: Finale of the Tournament?

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Gilan motioned to his tiny opponent.
"Hey kid. Lemme show you something." Goku walked up to the beast, before getting slammed by his tail. Kakarot caught it easily, having been trained through most of his own naivety. Gilan was stunned.
"What is it?" Goku asked the beast, still holding his tail.
"No-nothing." Kakarot shrugged and let go of the tail. Gilan went for a punch only for it to be blocked. Goku punched him in the stomach, knocking the breath out of him. Kakarot jumped behind him and grabbed his tail once more, before flinging him over his shoulder, into the air outside the arena. Gilan flapped his wings and flew back to the arena. Now Bardock was pissed.
"Hey! What the hell was that?! That's cheating!" He was fuming.
"Oh let's see how tough that overgrown lizard will be after I tear his arms off!!!"
Goku assumed the turtle hermit stance. "Hm. Guess I'll just have to make you tap out then." Gilan began to laugh before puking out a disgusting blue goop. The goop trapped Kakarot completely. Gilan began whaling on Goku, and not even his extensive training could help him against this unbridled flurry. Gilan then picked him up and threw him out of the ring. The entire audience gasped.
"Fricking! Cheater!!!" Bardock was still fuming.
As the young boy sailed through the air, only one word escaped his lungs.
"NIMBUS!!!" Bardock gasped. He had forgotten about that. He suspected Kakarot had too.
The yellow cloud caught the immobile boy, bringing him back to the ring. Gilan was shocked.
"Wh-What?! Th-that's cheating!"
"Oh you're one too talk!!!" Bardock yelled.
The announcer stepped to the side and exchanged words with the dog people. He came back after only a moment.
"Ladies and gentlemen. After careful consideration, Son Goku will continue to fight, but from here on out will not be permitted use of his cloud. LET THE BATTLE...RESUME!!!"
Gilan chuckled.
"Nothing gonna save you this time." Gilan began winding up a mighty blow. As the punch soared to where Kakarot's head had been, a silence fell over the crowd. Gilan looked around.
"Hehehe! My tail!!! It grew back!!!" Goku was wrapped around the monster's fist. He flipped around before landing safely.
"Hmmm. Can't fight with this gunk on me."
Gilan watched in horror as the child snapped his gummy gunk with ease.
"Ar-aren't you human?" With the silence still holding over the crowd, his words carried much further then most.
"Hm. Now where'd you hear that? Human? Alien? Monster? What's it matter? Fight." Bardock stood above all as he watched his child's enemy. Gilan gulped loudly before looking back to his opponent.
"I-I surrender."

"INCREDIBLE!! SON GOKU HAS CLAIMED VICTORY!!!" The announcer then approached where Bardock and friends stood.
"Does he truly have a real tail?" Bardock nodded as he unfurled his own tail. The announcer hid his shocked expression.
"Of course it's real...moving on, we are going to have an intermission, starring our two youngest fighters ever! Krillin and Goku, please come to the stage!" The two small children stood at the center of the arena.

"Now, for the audience, would you two tell us your ages?"
"13." Krillin answered nervously. Kakarot just stared at him.
"And you, Goku?"
"Me what?"
"How old are you?"
"Oh! 8....9....12....14..wait, no....12. Yeah? Twelve!" Goku was quite proud of himself.
"Now how did two little kids become so powerful?"
"We were trained by Master Roshi."
"My dad helped too!"
The announcer was shocked.
"The Master Roshi?! Well no wonder you two are so strong!" This was stupid. He was here to watch fighting, not a dumb survey.
"Hey! Get the fights going!" Now all eyes were on Bardock. The announcer was speechless.
"Um...sir? This intermission-"
"Imtersession smitermessin. I'm here to watch my kid fight. So let's get that going!" The announcer wiped his brow.
"After taking the much appreciated feedback of the audience into consideration, we have elected to begin... THE FITH BATTLE!!!"
The old man walked out. Despite having seen it before, it was still incredible he could disguise himself so well. He chuckled and gave a quick peace sign.
"Heh? Well who's am I fighting?" Krillin cleared his throat.
"Heh! Apologies! Didn't see ya there!" Both fighters assumed similar stances.
Krillin launched onto the attack. Ro-Jackie Chun dodged continuously until he was forced to block a punch. But instead of hearing what he said, Bardock was distracted by his other allies.
"Bardock! Can you help me a little?" Bardock looked down to see Bulma fidgeting with a bag. Bardock bent to help, and as he stood up, his hand brushed her arm.

A yellow house. It looks more like a....
'Hey wait, I've been here before. Well, seen here before. Yeah, Kakarot got in a weird ball. But the ball ain't here. So is this before that? Or after?'
A voice called out.
"Oh Bulma! Your monkey friend is here!" Bardock rushed towards the sound of the voice. It was an old man with a cat on his shoulder. He looked familiar, but in a "distant relative" kinda way. He looked towards Bardock now.
"Oh! Didn't see you there. She's waiting inside."
Bardock turned around to see who he was talking to as Kakarot walked right through him.

Bardock zoned in to see Krillin fall to the ground. Jackie Chun stood behind him. A throat chop.

The two entered the ring. Namu looked serious as always. Kakarot looked carefree as always. But as much as Bardock wanted to focus on his son's fight, he was plagued by questions.
'Why have the visions been getting longer? And who the hell was Frieza talking to? Why couldn't I see? Kami, if only there was someone who could explain all this to me.'

Power levels:
Bardock: 12,500
Goku: 173
Jackie Chun(Heh!): 142
Krillin: 120
Gilan: 100

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