Chapter 12: The Mighty Oolong!

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After a full three days of travel, the crew had gotten close to where Bulma's green thing said the fifth dragonball was. They were in a village. Bardock knew what these were. He had destroyed many back in the day. But this village appeared to be deserted. Except for the fact that Goku and Bardock could sense people in the village. Goku walked up to a door.
"There's people in here. Let's meet them." He said. He tried the door handle but it was locked. Goku punched a hole in the door and opened it. It was dark inside. Until suddenly a figure darted out of the shadows right at Goku. As he got closer, Bardock could see the flint of a sharp... thingie. The figure hit Goku over the head, causing him to yell in pain. The weapon shattered on contact with his head.
"Yowch! What was that for?!" Goku asked, power pole pointed at his assailant.
"So it didn't work after all... Please, forgive me Oolong-Sama!" The attacker turned on the lights, reveling it to be a man. Inside the house there was also a small girl.
"Who's Snolang? Bardock asked, ready to kill the man that hurt his son.
"What? I thought for sure one of you was him... then again, he likes to travel alone, and not this early in the morning." The man thought out loud, angering Bardock, as the man completely ignored him.
"Oolong is a monster. He can shapeshift at will, and he has been kidnapping girls from our village. Today, he will be coming for my girl." The man stared sadly, hugging his daughter close. Bulma walked up to him.
"Have you seen anything like this?" She asked him, holding up a dragonball.
"Na, I've never seen-" the man was cutoff by a yell.
"Hey! You mean this?" An old woman asked, holding up the ball they desired.
"Alright, how about this: We save you from Oolong, and you repay us with that ball. Deal?" Bulma asked, shaking hands with the woman.
"But how in the world will you stop him?" You're just a teenager?" Someone asked.
"Oh, I won't stop him per say. These two will." She responded, gesturing to the saiyans behind her.
"But not to worry, I've got a plan. Goku, you'll be bait. Put on this and stand in the middle of town. Bardock, hide somewhere nearby. You'll be backup if plan A fails." Bulma ordered, irritating Bardock. Who was she to give orders? He went and hid in some bushes near where Goku sat crouched. But not because she told him to. He just thought these particular bushes were comfortable. Not long after, Bardock heard screams. He peeked our to see a large demon looking thing wearing a suit. He walked right up to Goku.
"Ah, my bride. Are you re-ready?" The demon asked.
Goku sat trembling on the ground.
'Trembling? I didn't train no coward. No, the only times I've seen him tremble is when he's famished, or when he needs to... ah crapbaskets.'
Bardock thought, coming to the realization.
"If you're scared, how about th-this?" He asked, as he transformed into a middle aged man. Bulma came sprinting out of the house. Before either one of them spoke, Bardock slipped into another vision.

It was an odd place. Bardock felt self aware in this vision. He could move. He was in a large desert. A humongous castle laid before him. It was night time. A full moon. Before Bardock could ponder where he was, he heard an all too familiar roar.

Bardock snapped out of it, as there was a different roar happening nearby. Goku was facing off against a huge bull. Before either of them made a move, Oolong sprinted away. It was only when he ran by Bardock did he sense his power level. 'No, that impossible. Could he really be that weak?' Bardock wondered as they sprinted after him. The two saiyans were now outside the village, looking for Oolong. Bardock smelt something beefy in the air, and traced it to a small pig-man?
"Hey piggie! Did you see a big bull run by just now?" Goku asked him, excited when the pig pointed down the path. Goku took off, but Bardock didn't budge. "Hel-hello sir, may I hel-help you?" The pig stuttered. Bardock just sniffed him. Then started laughing.
"Ahah ahah! Found ya, Oolong." He said, malice in his eyes.
"Squee! Ho-how'd ya kn-know?!" Oolong asked, terrified of this strange man.
"Cuz no pig in the history of ever has smelt like beef." Bardock explained, ready to put this wannabe demon in his place. Goku turned the corner, dissatisfied with his lack of findings. It was then that Oolong transformed again, but this time into a new shape. He was around six feet tall, with a big head of hair. He wore a silly looking blue dōgi, but with red thingies on his hands and feet. He had a scar on the left side of his face, and wore a bandana. Goku was thoroughly confused.
"So, who's the real dad?" He asked.
"I am!" Both Bardock's replied in unison.

Power levels:
Bardock: 12,433
Goku(post axe swing): 17.5
Bulma: 2
Dude with axe: 4
Oolong: 1

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