Chapter 30: Quick Thinking

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The Great Ape began howling as he hurtled pieces of his surroundings everywhere.
Some of it hit Bardock, who was now using his bandana as a blindfold.
Everyone was panicking. Jackie Chun was clueless as to what to do. He heard a yell over the roars of his opponent coming from the audience. It was Bardock. He was wearing a blindfold. Wait, could he do this too?! He was slowly making his way towards him.
"Roshi! Roshi help me out here! If I look at the moon I'll do that too!"
He managed to climb up onto the arena.
Roshi was panicking now.
"How do we turn him back?!"
Bardock could use ki in order to see some rough estimates to move without seeing. Thank Kami for that.
"My normal plan wouldn't work! Last time he did this, I turned into a Great Ape and beat the snot out of him. Not an option this time I'm afraid."
That didn't exactly inspire Roshi to have his fear confirmed.
"So what do we do?!"
Bardock had heard of a saiyan strike squad being defeated by a particular crafty bunch of sullstans using this trick.
"Ki blasts!"
Roshi wasn't the best at ki blasts. Admittedly, he was out of practice.
Bardock was growing irritated.
"Do you know how to make a ki blast hover?" Of course Roshi didn't. Why would he?!
"A little?!"
Bardock hurled a blast above Roshi's head. Kinda hard to bloat out the moon when you can't look yourself.
"Better learn quick!"
Roshi whipped around and began hurling blasts. Some of them kept going, but at least Bardock was too distracted to tell. Eventually, they had created a floating ball of ki that entirely blocked out the moon. Great Ape Goku looked towards his source of power, only to see a blinding ball of light. He growled in anger and tried to throw a some debris, but before the chunk of roof could leave his hand, he began to shrink. Bardock sat on the ground, exhausted.
"Hey Blumo! Blamu! I can't fricking see!"
It then dawned upon Bardock that he had literally just bloated out the moon.
"Wait wait. Never mind." He slid the bandana back to its usual spot, and sat up. He walked over to the limp body of his son.
"Get up Kakarot. Kami how many times are you gonna fall asleep?" Goku slowly awoke.
"Hm? Dad? Am I still fighting?"
Bardock nodded.
"You sure are! Now get out there!" Kakarot bounced into a combat stance. The entire audience had returned. There was but one problem.
"Um. Mr. Goku's father! Could we get some clothes on him please?!" The announcer was on the opposite side of the arena.
"Also: will that weird glowing ball you created prevent your son from... whatever that was?!"
Bardock nodded.
"At least until I pass out. Which, given the time of day, coupled with the strenuous activities of late, should be at least another half hour."
Goku re-entered the ring. He was wearing Krillin's clothing. Krillin, now in his boxers, was cheering from the sidelines.
Goku clutched his stomach.
"Man I sure am getting hungry. Maybe I'll eat after this." While he was groveling over his appetite, Jackie Chun tried to quickly fire a kamehameha. It sputtered out almost immediately. All of his energy was used blocking out the moon!
"Haha! Looks like you are used up! But I sure ain't!" Kakarot retaliated with a kamehameha of his own, one that scored a direct hit.
Jackie Chun initially appeared to be out of bounds, but a second glance showed that he had kicked his foot into the arena's side, stopping his fall. As he scrambled back onto the arena, the entire audience could feel the tension in the air. Both fighters readied their stances.
"Well what do you say gramps? Let's finish this."
Jackie Chun grinned. All animosity was gone.
"Heh! Let's do this." Both fighters broke into a sprint. Both lept into the air in sync. Both fighters went for a flying kick. In another world, without the combined training of the turtle hermit and his own father, who knows? Maybe Goku's kick wouldn't have made it. Maybe the difference in size would have been all Roshi needed. But in this moment, in this time, Kakarot struck first. He was faster then Jackie Chun could have anticipated. Jackie Chun fell to the ground. And Bardock beamed with pride as the final count began.
"One... two... three... four... five..." for a moment, it appeared Jackie Chun would make a recovery. But alas, he slumped back to the ground, not to rise again this battle.
"Eight...nine...TEN!!!!! SON GOKU WINS THE 21ST WORLD TOURNAMENT!!!" Bardock peaked with pride as the audience exploded with excitement.
The announcer rushed to interview the newly christened champion.
"Son Goku! Tell me, as our youngest champion ever, what's next?" Goku peered at the microphone before answering with the only word Bardock could've expected.

Power levels:
Bardock: 12,500
Goku(post ape out): 180
Jackie Chun(tired): 130
Krillin: 120

Alternate Timeline- Bardock's Earthly AdventuresOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora