Chapter 24: Story Time

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Roshi put down the house on this significantly larger island. Launch yawned, which startled everyone. Kakarot and Krillin raced around while Bardock commenced with more "sensible training." Like, you know, beating the snot out of the ocean. Hours past, and Bardock decided to observe said training. Roshi drew on a rock and launched it into the forest. Bardock stayed with the old man, uninterested in their game.
"Hey old man. No offense, but could I train Kakarot myself every once in a while? Got some good saiyan training thought up." Roshi nodded quietly.
"Sure sure. Only fair." Bardock watched the two boys play their game. He decided to find a place to sleep, as the house was cramped enough with 4. He found a nice secluded cave where he made a bed of leaves. Nothing he wasn't used to. He was thinking of catching some food when he heard a low grumble at the entrance.
"Come on in Kakarot. Whac'ya need?" Kakarot looked up to his father before another grumble was heard.
"I'm hungry. Krillin cheated so I can't eat tonight." Bardock thought on this. It was rough, but it was still training.
"Sorry kid. Not my place to interfere with training." Kakarot slumped down next to his father.
"Dad? Could you tell me a story?" Bardock was bewildered. Why? How? What kind? He frantically searched through his own head before making something up he deemed good enough for a saiyan child.
"Once there was a...guy. This guy was....tall. Tall guy could fight...good. Tall guy fought lots of short things. Short things died quick. The end?" Bardock looked back into his son's unamused eyes.
"That's not a story. Tell me about what you used to do, before you found me!" Bardock thought on that. He had promised to tell him quite some time ago, but hadn't actually gotten around to it. Hell, what did it matter anyway?

"Planet Vegeta: red, but beautiful in a homey kinda of way. The gravity was 10 times that of earth, so everything felt much heavier. Us saiyans were broken into classes: low class, high class, and royal. Low class lived in the villages all over the planet. High class lived in the cities. Royals got a freaking palace. Me? (And you by extension) are low class. But I was the top of the low class, better then some higher ups. I would take missions no one else would because they were 'too hard'. Heh. Cowards. But I couldn't do everything alone. So I had a team. My squad. I was the leader, so we were called Bardock Squad. Saiyans were not much for naming things, given that the king, the prince and the planet all had the same name. That's not important. What is important is the people on my team. Borgos, biggest saiyan around, Shugesh, laziest saiyan you'd ever meet, Fasha, who could kick ass better then most guys, and Tora, my second in command." Bardock found himself unconsciously grabbing the bandana he wore. He knew he was leaving someone out, but she could wait for another day.
"Wh-What happened to all of them? Were they strong?" Bardock nodded.
"Course. They were my squad. But... not strong enough. They were massacred. I should've been there. All I found was..." Bardock became aware that this might not be the best story to tell a child.
"They- they tried to pick a fight without me. They weren't strong enough, so they lost. And I wasn't there for them. And then I wasn't strong enough to avenge them. So I... I ran. I told myself I was running so I could find you...but..." Kakarot didn't seem fazed, not that that was a surprise.
"It's ok dad. You can't win every fight. If you could, what fun would fighting be? The challenge is part of what makes fighting good!" Bardock stared in wonder at his youngest and most likely only surviving son. For all his logical fallacies, he spoke with astound wisdom. Bardock cleared his throat.
"Here: let me tell you about the last time mission my team successful... cleared a planet." Before said story could commence, a loud thud came from the house. Bardock moved to investigate. Upon entering the house, he discovered its three occupants passed out on the floor.
"Heh. Hey Kakarot. Looks like you truly are a lucky one. Heh." Kakarot looked to his father, trying not to laugh, and back to the sickened trio.
"Hahaha! I guess you're right! Maybe it's ok to get second every once in a while!" Bardock looked to his son, who as usual, hadn't realized the wisdom within his own words. Then they both began to laugh. It was a wonderful night.

Power levels:
Bardock: 12,441
Goku: 23
Master Roshi: 140
Krillin: 21

Alternate Timeline- Bardock's Earthly Adventuresحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن