Chapter 41: The End of An Army

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"Hey! Where do you all think you're going?!" Bardock floated alone between the only exit and a large platoon of fleeing soldiers. They were panicked, and some even smelled of piss. Cowards.
"P-please! We just wanna get out of here! That child is unbeatable!" Bardock grinned.
'Heh. Good work, kid.'
He began to gather a ball of ki in his hand. A riot javelin. It had been a while. It would likely destroy most of the base. Oh well.
"I tell you cowards what. I'll take a page from my son's book. If you promise to never do bad again, you can leave right now. But if you ever try bad things again..." he dropped the ki ball. The explosion was immense. And true to his inkling, none of the soldiers survived. Bardock looked around at the massive crater he had created. He thought back to what he had said.

"...Ya know, I think I missed a step. Oh well."

The commander suddenly swings at Goku, who ducks on reflex. He dodges the rest of the assault, before kicking him square in the stomach. The commander dropped to one knee, down and out.
"Give up! Go to the police place!" He watches as the man reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a capsule. It poofs into a giant robot. Said robot punches hard, as he quickly displays.
"Hahah! This combat suit was designed to-"
Before the commander could finish his boast, a huge tremor shakes the tower.
"Wh-What the hell?!" The officer screams.
"Wuh! Dad!" Goku cries, recognizing the ki of that blast. He must have taken half the base with that. Geez.
Once both combatants stood up, Goku assumes the stance of his favorite technique. The commander attempts to interrupt it with a laser fired from his robot, but soon finds not even the robot can save him from this.
"Kame...hame...HAA!!!" The ki laser swallowed up the robot, his own beam, and the commander inside.
"Whew." Goku grabs the two dragonballs and then jumps out the brand new hole in the tower, and slowly floats through the air towards his father's ki source.

Bardock returned to the ground and turned around to see his son floating towards him.
"Hey dad! We've got 6! Where'd the base go?"
"Oh hey! Nice job! I dropped a ki blast. But hey, where's the seventh ball?" Kakarot reached into his pocket and clicked the radar.
"Uh oh! I think it broke again!"
"What? How?"
"I don't know!"
"Well crapbaskets! Guess we better find-"
"Hey! That's Krillin's ki! And Master Roshi's! And Yamcha's!"
'Oh. Now that he mentions it, yeah, that is a strong ki source. Too bad I still can't make out individuals power levels.'
They flew towards the source of the ki, and were surprised to see the whole gang in one place. They were standing next to a Capsule Corp plane.
"Heh! We came to save you!" Roshi called, standing next to Launch.
"From what?" Goku called down, descending as he went.
"The Red Ribbon Army!" Yamcha exclaimed, surprised to see both saiyans in once piece.
"I'm glad you guys decided to wait." Krillin chuckled, unaware.
"But they're all gone! I beat a lot of them, and a bunch ran! Dad beat a bunch up too!" Kakarot exclaimed happily.
"Yeah. Bunch ran. Definitely." Bardock lied.
"Puar! Check the base!" Yamcha exclaimed, unable to suppress his shock.
After around 30 seconds, a severely winded Puar came back.
"They-they're gone! All of them! Half the base too!"
"Oops." Bardock coughed.
"Heh! You're both monsters....." Master Roshi breathed in shock.
"N-not even the police could do anything against the Red Ribbon Army..." Bulma exclaimed.
"Just two guys...?" Blonde Launch's eyes widened in surprise.
"I-I can't believe it..." Puar gasped.
"I'm a lot stronger now! I climbed Korin tower!" Goku chuckled.
"Heh! YOU WHAT?!!?!!" Roshi yelled.
Bardock chuckled. He liked the old man's fear.
"Oh! Bulma! The radar broke again and I only need one ball!" Goku suddenly recalled.
"What? You still looking for the four star ball?" Bulma asked.
"Nope. Told Upa I'd bring his dad back to life." Goku replied casually.
"Well, I cant fix it here. Let's go back to Kame house!" Bulma exclaimed.
"Hm. Sure. Nice to see the whole gang together again. Even you, Lunchbox." Bardock said, memory hazy as ever.
"What? Are you talking to me you son of a-*AHCOO* where am I?" Blue Launch asked, very confused.
The whole crew laughed as they boarded the plane. It was surprisingly big on the inside. Hell, even Bardock fit with plenty of room for more. Goku decided to stay on his cloud. It was faster after all.
"Your kid is getting stronger and stronger." Yamcha commented.
"He really is something." Bulma agreed.
"Heh! He might be stronger then me now!" Roshi chuckled.
"Wah! That strong?!" Krillin exclaimed.
"Geez. You better start training for the next tournament then." Bardock snorted.
"Heh! Who knows, at the rate he's going, he may surpass you." Roshi said nervously.
Bardock nodded.
"That's the goal. I didn't stand a chance against him. So Kakarot better." Everyone looked to the saiyan warrior. Who's him? Instead of getting an answer, there was Kame House.

Time skip!
(When's the last time I had one of these?)

"I don't know what to tell you. The radar looks fine. "
"But then where's the last ball?"
"Well, if something ate the ball, it wouldn't show up."
"Ah! Ate it?!"
"Heh! You could go to fortune teller baba. Heh! She'd definitely know!" The old man pointed out her location on the map. Only the warriors went: Bardock, Goku, Krillin, and Yamcha. And Puar.

As the four warriors took off in the Capsule Corp plane, they couldn't hear the old man mumble to himself.
"Heh. Well, with those two, I'm sure they'll be able to get her to read fortunes."

Power levels:
Bardock: 12,560
Goku(post battles): 390
Newly Promoted Commander Black: 170
Coward third of the army: Scared shitless
Krillin: 145
Master Roshi: 160
Yamcha: 140
Puar: 4
Normal Launch: 2
Blonde Launch: 10
Bulma: 3

Alternate Timeline- Bardock's Earthly AdventuresOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant