Chapter 14: The Desert's Dunce

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The crew had been walking some time before Bulma collapsed in some shade. Bardock just shock his head and sat down next to a tall.... thing. Goku and Oolong were making conversation when Bardock slipped into a vision.

It was a bald man. No, a bald child? He wore yellow, and had no nose. He was just standing there, snickering.

The vision ended as Bardock heard a far off noise.
"Company." He called, alerting his compatriots to the incoming person. He wore a silly outfit, but had many scars. Bardock respected that. He had long black hair. If he had a tail, he could've looked saiyan.
He got off his weird zoomy thing and amazed Bardock when a flying blue thing landed next to him.
"My name is Yamcha. And this is a robbery. Hand over your money and capsules." He told the two smaller people. He hadn't seen Bardock. Bardock decided to fix that.
"Hey, if you're gonna rob us, could you do it quieter? My head is pounding from this heat." He called, startling Yamcha.
"Puar, you said there was only two of them!" The bandit angrily said to his blue friend.
"I'm sorry Yamcha, I couldn't see him behind the mushroom." Puar apologized, startling Bardock. The thing could talk?! Oolong perked up.
"Puar? From school?" He asked, bewildering Yamcha.
"Oolong? You always bullied me! Before getting expelled for being a pervert! Kill him Yamcha!" The blue thing hollered, annoying Bardock.
"Kill him quieter please." Bardock said. Yamcha was afraid of the man in the dark blue dōgi. His entire look screamed warrior. He turned his attention to the boy with hair identical to the warrior. A son?
"You're wearing a dōgi? You a martial artist?" Yamcha asked Goku. He nodded, exhausted from the heat and hunger.
"Well I will become the greatest martial artist to ever live! So fight me!" Yamcha roared as he unsheathed his sword. Goku lazily hit it aside with his power pole.
"Extend." He mumbled. Yamcha was pushed back into a rocky mountain. He stood up, shocked.
"Warrior child! Who trained you?!" He yelled, suspicious of this kid. Goku pointed at Bardock.
"Well my dad did. But before him, I trained with my Grandpa Gohan." Goku said, ignoring his hunger.
"So I thought. The great master Gohan was legendary for his skills, and known to wield a magic pole which could shift lengths at the will of its user. How did the mighty warrior go, by chance?" Yamcha asked, not really suspecting foul play. He was only a child after all.
"Old age." Bardock called, still trying to sleep. Yamcha walked up to Goku.
"Well, knowing that means I won't have to hold back. Wolf Fang Fist!" Yamcha cried as he rushed forth, letting loose a torrent of punches. Goku blocked all but one of them. The one hit him square in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him.
"Then I guess I'll show you my..." Goku said as he rushed forth, poking Yamcha's eyes.
"Scissors!" He stepped back, before punching Yamcha in the stomach.
"Rock!" Yamcha doubled over, looking up at the worst possible moment.
"Paper!" Goku yelled as he palm struck the unfortunate bandit, who flew back. He pulled himself out of the rubble. He rushed right back at Goku. Goku was standing as if dazed.
"My.... stom...ach.." he groaned, unable to move.
"Wolf Fang..." he began, but was cut off. The large man held his arm out, blocking Yamcha from his prey.
"Get new moves. And don't fight a disadvantaged opponent if you plan to take it seriously. You disgust me." Bardock said coldly, punching the bandit into the shade. As he was getting up to retaliate, he saw something next to him. A....girl?!?!?! Yamcha panicked. He sprinted and got in his thingie, and blew away from the exhausted adventurers.
Bardock shook his head before picking up Goku.
"Hey Bloomer! We should set up camp eventually." He called, waking her.
"Hmm? What happened?" She asked, confused by the destruction around her.
"Believe me, you don't wanna know." Oolong said, sitting next to her. As they walked, Bardock looked out at the disappearing dust cloud and wondered. What was that he had felt? Right when he punched Yamcha, he felt a flash go through his mind. He couldn't make out most of it, but he did see Yamcha wearing an orange dōgi. The same dōgi his son would wear? Bardock shrugged it off. He'll think about it when he's not so tired.

Far away, the bandit continued to drive his scooter thing.
"Puar! There was a girl! You know I can't be around girls!" Yamcha cried, disappointed in himself.
"I'm sorry Yamcha." Puar said, sad he let down his friend. After a few seconds of silence, Yamcha looked up.
"Huh? Hey Puar, did you feel that?" He asked, wondering what it was.
"Hm? No, I didn't feel anything, why?" Puar asked, interested.
"I dunno. It just felt like.... I'll never be useful again..." Yamcha said, deep in thought. He brushed it off. Na, That could never happen to the great Yamcha.

Power Levels:
Bardock(post nap): 12,434
Goku(post fight): 18
Bulma: 2
Oolong: 5
Puar: 5
Yamcha: 10

Alternate Timeline- Bardock's Earthly Adventuresजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें