Author's note

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July 13th- Start! I do plan to finish, however I am lazy. But I'll try my hardest to update this semi-regularly. Also let me know if you want me to keep doing those power level things. As part of my own twist, Bardock isn't going to be the brightest crayon in the knife box.
Any and all feedback is acceptable and welcomed, this is my first time typing one of these.

July 24 update- had an idea of how I can end this. Works well in my head, only problem is working towards it.

November 30 update- yikes! It's been a long while. I truly do apologize as I broke my phone in early August and it took me this long to fix it. Normal updates will commence as expected from here on out.

January 1 update- wow! Didn't expect people to want to see this through. I'll admit, I'm flattered. I'll try my best to not leave you guys hanging. We'll call that my new year resolution.

March 18 update- This week. This week for sure I will work on this. May it be so or may I die where I stand.

May 13 update- didn't expect this to blow up. Shit. Guess I'll get back on this. Stop caring about school, who needs it amiright?

September 2nd update- You'd be surprised how much free time you get in college. Almost got two chapters in the same month. Well, there always this month, right? Don't worry, I ain't abandoning you folk yet. I'm committed to this, come hell or high water.

September 20th update- Big ups to @torbenefb,who pointed out a plot hole. It has now been fixed in the form of chapter 6. Also revised the beginning of chapter 7 to reflect the new information. Is this considered a retcon?

September 22nd update- real quick, in case you haven't noticed(or just don't know) I've started publishing a new part every Monday. We'll see how long this lasts.

October 8th update- fun fact, I found the official power levels for everyone from the og sagas, which means the ones I implanted in the early chapters are really wrong. I'll fix those.
It's find of funny how wrong i was with these power levels.

October 28/technically the 29 update- Sorry this one was late. I took a nap and didn't wake up quick enough.

November 2nd update- power levels have been reimplemented into all chapters.

November 19th update- this one was a little late, oops. Super stressed this week, plenty to do, not enough time.

December 9th update- new chapter a few hours ahead of schedule. Finals are in full swing. Thankfully, I'm a good pitcher.

January 13th update- I'm crossposting this on Ao3. Why? Cuz. That is all. There was no chapter last week because it was Christmas break and I forgot. Sorry.

February 17th update- Real talk folk. We did it. The big 5 o. Didn't think I'd get this far when I started, and now I don't want to stop. So let's keep this ball rolling, and you all tell me if you got any tips or complaints. It may take me some time, but I'll respond. Eventually.

June update- kinda forgot this chapter existed. Oops. Anyway, this book is finished. In the good way. 65 chapters total, not counting this not thing. So...enjoy. And once you finish this book, book two is a thing now. So yeah. Have fun.

Alternate Timeline- Bardock's Earthly AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now