Chapter 33: West City!

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Bardock couldn't believe how stupid that general was. He had tried shooting his son in the back, and had apparently forgotten that Kakarot was stronger then most. So when he put a gun to the chiefs head, Bardock watched as he forced his son to turn around. And then watched in glee as Goku snapped back around and hit the just fired bullet with the palm of his hand. He caused it to bounce back. Almost directly. The general slumped down, never to rise again.
"Oops." He turned to his father. Bardock shrugged.
"That one wasn't your fault. Some people are idiots. Nothing we can do about it."
The chief joined the travelers and made their way back to the village.
Once there, a mighty celebration was had.
The food kept coming, and even Eighter found a place to fit in. The family even let the two saiyans stay the night.
Too bad then that for Bardock, sleep never came.

"All units, Code Orange! Code Orange! All units, ASAP! Kill him! Kill him! "
Bardock was in a city. A small city. A encampment, really. Why was everyone yelling? Soldiers were everywhere, all taking cover and arming themselves.
'Just what is a 'Code Orange?'
One of the soldiers fired off a shot. Bardock turned to see what he was firing at. Now all the soldiers were firing. Too bad their target didn't care. It almost looked like...
"Shoot down that cloud!!!"

The sun shone almost directly into his eye. Bardock's groggily rolled over.
"Damn snow...reflecting sun..."
He walked into the kitchen to see Eighter pull out a Dragonball. Two stars. He had it all along. Oh well. Kakarot was sitting next to him, dragon radar in hand.
"Hey dad! Are you any good with machines?" Bardock shook his head. That had been more Shugeesh's territory.
"Darn. I think the radar is busted."
Well crap. That would certain make this adventure longer.
"Guess we'll have to go see Bulma!" Bardock's eyes widened. Oh yeah! He had almost forgotten they knew where she lived.
They had migrated outside, where most of the village had gathered to see the heroes off.
"It's a shame your little yellow cloud got destroyed. Guess I'll have to keep carrying you."
An old man spoke up.
"Hm? Could you be referring to a nimbus cloud?" Goku nodded his head.
"Well have you tried calling it? I've never heard of one being destroyed." Kakarot thought for a second before bellowing.
"FLYING NIMBUS!!" It took a few seconds, but there it was, still in one piece.
"Aha! Yeah! Now this won't take too long!" Bardock grinned to his son.
"Wanna race to the city limits?" The young saiyan nodded enthusiastically. One last wave, and they were off.

Kami that cloud is fast.
"Oh geez. Even for a city, that's big." Bardock panted, staring down at West City. Despite having lived in the shadow of the royal city, not even that came close to this sprawling metropolis. Bardock and Kakarot descended to the ground and began searching on foot.
"So uh... do we know what the house looks like?" Goku was completely distracted. Almost forgot he had never seen a city before. Bardock began dwelling upon his memories/visions. One place in particular came up more then any other.
"Kakarot." They stopped. Bardock then grabbed his son by the shirt collar, and hurtled him into the sky. He zoomed after him, catching him.
"Whoo! You sure are fast!" At least someone was having fun.
"See that big circle looking building? That's the one we want." Wait, didn't he just touch-

"You can't hide down there forever monkey! I know your kind needs to breathe! Now be a good little monkey and die!"
That shrill, screaming voice was unmistakable. Frieza. But who was he yelling at- oh. It's Kakarot. He's big. Wearing that orange gi still, huh. He's under water. Green water? Definitely not Earth. He's been down here a while. Is he...thinking? Now? Under water? During a battle with the emperor of evil?! He truly is my son.

Bardock shook himself out of it. He realized Kakarot was now waiting for him on the lawn.
Bardock flew down to the front lawn. He recognized it in an instant. Many memories would happen here. Can they be memories if they haven't happened yet?
"Hey dad! Are you sure this is the right place?" It was only natural for Kakarot to be confused. After all, he had never seen this place before. But then, they both felt it.
"Is that?" Bardock turned around and saw it. Somehow Kakarot had noticed it even before Bardock.
"BULMA!!" She was flying on a grey thing.
She landed and took off her helmet.
"Oh hey guys!"
She looked confused.
"Why are you guys here?"
"Radar broke."
"Of course." She groaned and returned the grey thing to its capsule.
As they spoke, they followed her through the sliding doors. The inside was even more impressive. It was massive. Bulma waved to the young lady behind the desk.
"Mary, where's dad?" The woman looked up to see the daughter of her boss.
"Greetings Ms. Briefs. I believe he's in the garden." Bulma nodded a quick thank you and resumed walking. They went through another set of doors. This place was humongous! This made the palace look like a schoolyard! Out this other set of doors was the garden. It was ridiculous. Cats, dogs, dinosaurs, plants as far as the eye could see. Bulma called out once. It wasn't loud. And suddenly, a small man wearing a lab coat and a bushy mustache appeared from the bushes.
He walked slowly, surrounded by animals. On his shoulder sat small black cat.
"Ah. Bulma. So uh, which ones Goku?"
He turned to the two saiyans. He looked at Bardock.
"Hm. Older then I imagined." He playfully bumped Bardock on the shoulder.
Bardock zoned out immediately.
"Is, uh, is he alright?" Dr. Briefs looked concerned
Kakarot nodded.
"Yeah, he does this sometimes. Cmon, it'll take him some time." The three walked into the workshop, leaving Bardock alone in the garden.

"Hey, slow down there. Don't want to kill yourself now, do you?" It was Dr. Briefs, standing in a dark hallway, cat still on shoulder. Whoever he was talking to stopped. He was cast in darkness, but whoever he was, he was short.
"Hmph! Training is as training is. Can't you make this thing better?"
Dr. Briefs chuckled.
"What, 300 G's not enough for you?" The short man vigorously shook his head.
"Of course not! I need to catch up! I refuse to be left in the dust by Kakarot!"
'Hey, shortie sounds kinda like...'

'Damn! Lost my train of thought. Wait, where'd everybody go?' Bardock zoned in to see many creatures surrounding him. He quickly fled in the direction of his son's ki. He found Bulma holding the radar.
"All fixed up! Oh, welcome back!" Bardock simply nodded.
"Well, let's go." Before Bardock could even ask, Bulma was gone.
"The search continues. Let the adventure continue!"

Power levels:
Bardock: 12,501
Goku(post fights): 210
Eighter: None. Robot.
Bulma: 3
Dr. Briefs: 4

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