Chapter 37: Assassin

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Bardock was close. He was over a forest now. In the distance he could see a large...tower.
Bardock now realized he was having the strangest sense of deja vu. Wait, his pod was here! Bardock took a quick shift in direction. He flew quickly, excited by the prospect. There it was: his old pod. He touched down, living in the moment. Ah. Memories. Wait, didn't a person live around here? Bardock began walking, looking for him. He heard talking. Kakarot! He started running. He entered a clearing. There was massive person. On his shoulder sat what looked like a mini version of him. And in front of them both...
"Dad! We got it! Gohan's ball! Oh. Why'd you change your clothes?" Bardock would have answered the question, but a familiar strong man blocked the way.
The tall man lumbered in front of Goku. He wore a nasty scowl.
It then turned into a grin.
"I remember you. You found son. Good." Bardock grinned. He was right!
"Hey, long time no see. I never got the chance to thank you before, or even ask your name." The large man clapped Bardock on the shoulder.
"My name Bora. And you welcome. I see Goku, I see you. Same head." Bardock nodded. He was getting used to that.
"Goku say he want ball. Goku also save Upa. Goku have ball." Bardock nodded to his very confused son.
"You know this guy?! He's crazy strong!" Bardock laughed.
"A story for another time. Cmon, let's-"
"It's moving fast. Too fast to be a plane. Ki flight?" Goku was locked in place, glaring at the sky. What did he see? Bardock turned, before getting slammed into the ground.

All was black. He was floating in nothingness.
'What? Where am I? No! I need to help Kakarot!'

An unfamiliar voice rang out through the darkness.
"You are close. So very close. Closer then you have been, but not as close as you will be. Do you know? Have you known? Does he know? Would you tell him? Why have you not told him? Are you afraid? For yourself? Or for him? What would they think? Do they think? You know. You know. You know."

Bardock woke, trying to move. He couldn't. Why? He slowly opened his eyes. He opened them to hear a yell.
The funny man wearing a heavily torn pink shirt with a ponytail- 'Wait, I've seen this before! That means!'
He tried to look to his son as quickly as he could, but as his eyes glanced over to him, he watched all three rays slam into his son's chest. Kakarot collapsed to the floor, wrists smoking and charred. He had blocked two of the blasts! The assassin walked towards him and grabbed his knapsack. He muttered to himself.
"Damn that kid was strong! He almost got me. Gonna try and convince Red to increase my pay to cover the damages." He grabbed the pillar that was still lodged into Bardock's chest, and was off. Bardock rolled over. Thank Kami he got the armor back. It prevented the most of the damage, at the cost of one of the rip plates cracking. Oh well. He was alive. He coughed up some blood and stumbled over to where his son lay. He's alive! He's got to be! Right? The small boy,Upo?, had found a shovel. He had just finished burying his father. He had been killed almost immediately. As soon as the first ounce of dirt touched Goku, his fist unfurled. He coughed.
"Lupo! Go into your tent and grab the bag full of green beans!" Upa sprinted, not used to being yelled at. Bardock crouched at his son's side.
"That's it Kakarot, that's it. Hang in there."
Upa came running back.
"Found!" He tossed the bag to Bardock. Bardock snatched it out of the air, quickly pulling a small beam out. Let's hope they still worked like they used to. He pushed into Goku's mouth, who quickly swallowed it. He quickly opened his eyes.
"Woah! I feel great! What was that?!" Bardock chuckled.
"He called it a senzu bean. You'll learn to love 'em, I'm sure." Kakarot scanned the area. As he stood up, something rolled out from his torn gi shirt. Four stars.
"You had it in your shirt." Bardock breathed in disbelief.
"Grandpa protected me." Goku gasped. He grabbed it off the ground.
"Ok. Tao-Pai-Pai will be coming back for this. We'll be ready. That trick won't work twice." Bardock could feel it. Kakarot just got his second taste of a zenkai boost.
"Kami those are convenient."
Upa turned and looked at Bardock, who had spoken aloud.
"Climb! Climb! Make stronger!" Bardock and Goku turned to what he referred to. The massive tower Bardock had seen so long ago. What lay at the top?
"If climb, you get stronger! Holy water at top! Dad say so!" Upa was practically yelling. Goku turned and nodded to Upa.
"Ok. We'll be right back. And when we get the rest of the dragonballs, I'll bring your father back to life." Bardock looked in surprise at what his son just said.
"Ok dad! Let's go." The saiyans nodded to each other. They both could fly, but that wouldn't be the same as good old fashioned climbing.

They climbed and climbed. And kept climbing. They both had many questions for one another. But they would have to wait. They needed all of their focus in order to keep climbing. And climb they did. Soon, night fell. But they kept climbing.
Bardock was used to exerting himself all throughout the night. Many sleepless nights in war torn planets will do that to you.
Kakarot was used to exerting himself all throughout the night. Many sleepless nights in the turtle hermit's training will do that to you.

"He...hey Ka...kak...Kakarot. We...we... we made it." Bardock gasped. They had indeed made it. The top was right in front of them. They climbed through the opening and collapsed on the ground.
"Where do...where'd...where water?" Goku asked in between panting breathes. They both turned to the source of a mysterious voice.
"Nyahaha! Up here!" The saiyans didn't move. But as soon as they got their breathe back, they both went towards the strange voice that called to them.

Power levels:
Bardock(post climb): 12,540
Goku(post zenkai and climb): 300
Upa: 1
Bora: 150
Taopaipai: 300

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