Chapter 49: The Second Tournament

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"Heh! Where is he?" Master Roshi stood in front of a gathering crowd, wearing his fancy suit. Behind him stood Krillin and Yamcha, also in suits. Bulma, Launch, Puar, Oolong, and Turtle were talking amongst themselves. There were 5 minutes until registration closed. Then all three fighters snapped their heads to the right.
"Heheh! That's him alright!" Krillin chuckled. His friend's ki was unmistakable. That, and his father's. He was in sight now: running full speed down the street, wearing an amalgamation of dōgi and furs. He had grown taller. Right behind him was his father. Also running full speed. He was still wearing his saiyan armor, but there were a few more cracks this time around. His face was practically unchanged as always. A new addition to it was a slight amount of stubble. The nearly 50 year old saiyan didn't look much different then when he had first touched the earth all those years ago. His 15 year old son looked more rugged then when they had set off.
Just what kind of training did they do for three years? Whatever it was, it worked. Roshi signed Goku up, but even just seeing him the worker got excited.
"Oh my Kami! You're Son Goku! The champion of the last tournament!"
Goku nodded sheepishly.
"What took you guys so long?" Bulma asked.
Bardock laughed.
"We lost track of time. We were in Yahhoi island yesterday." That got a lot of blank stares.
"Yahhoi Island? Like...other side of the planet Yahhoi Island? Man, it's lucky you were able to catch a one day plane! Wait...with what money?"
"Plane? Nope. That would be flying. We swam. It was a race." Bardock stated as though it were that simple.
"Heh? Swam? From Yahhoi Island...what kind of training have you monsters been up to?" Roshi gulped.
An announcement from a familiar voice interrupted.
"The Budokai Tenkaichi will begin shortly. All fighters, please make your way to the back room." Bardock and the other non-combatants made their way to where they would have the best view for the finals. Bardock looked around nervously. Bulma noticed.
"What, you aren't afraid Goku is going to lose are you?" She teased the grizzled saiyan.
"What? No! I'm afraid he'll kill someone!" Bardock replied sharply. That ended that conversation. Nothing they could do now but wait.

"Woah! It's so light!" Goku is bouncing around in a brand new turtle hermit dōgi.
"Huh? Light? Your old dōgi was weighted?" Yamcha asks.
"Yup. Dad said it'll make me stronger." Goku replies easily. They walk into the hall together. It's packed! This is way more fighters then last year! Hey look! Jackie Chun!
"Heh! Well Goku. I don't plan to lose this year." He turns and looks to the board.
"Heh. We'll be fighting in different blocks all together! We won't fight until the finals!" He chuckles.
"Ok! Just the way I like it!" Goku replies casually.

Yamcha was the first of his friends to fight. Goku watched him easily defeat an almost bald man in a single punch. He was better then 3 years ago, that's for sure. As Yamcha exited his successful bout, he pointed out that Krillin was about to fight a giant. He throws him easily over his shoulder. Then a tall man walks over to Goku and friends. He has three eyes. Cool.
"I didn't think anyone would make this tournament exciting. I was right." The man says. He was followed by a very pale short man, shorter then Krillin. He then enters a fight. He wins in a single blink. Goku watches with interest. He was pretty good. Oh! It's Goku's turn to fight. He climbs up and faces his opponent. They both bow in synch.
"Oh my. So it was you who won the last tournament. You're lucky I didn't enter last year."
"Whatever you say."
The fight begins. And it's over. King Chappa is in the wall in front of Goku.
"Oops. Hope he lives." He shrugs. All his friends are stunned. How? What? When did he move? Turns out, all his fights go that quickly, without anyone seeing him move. Then it was done. All three students of the turtle hermit would be entering the final 8.
"Alright, final 8, please get ready to receive you number to fight." A familiar blonde man wearing shades says.
"Hey! It's you!" Goku exclaims.
"Ah! Last years champion! Please don't break any more buildings. Moving on..."
The fights were assigned. The blonde announcer exited the room to face the roaring crowd.
"Thank you all for waiting so long, everyone!! We will now begin the 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai!!!
Our first match: Yamcha of the Turtle School vs Tien Shinhan of the Crane School!"

'The bald guy! With three eyes! I've seen him before! And Yamato is wearing orange!'
"Now for match 1! Please Begin!" The announcer cried. Man, he doesn't look a day older!
The two fighters both launched at each other with tremendous speed. Bardock chuckled. Good to see the bandit hadn't been slacking.
The two fighters were evenly matched.
Yamcha attempted to land his trademark rush, but Tien countered every blow. Yamcha stood back up, still smirking.
"Guess it's time for my ace in the hole."
He brought his arms together in a motion familiar to Bardock. No, he couldn't have.
"Ka me ha me ha!" The blue beam shot towards his opponent, who quickly pushed his hands together.

'So he knows ki too...'

The beam bounced off Tien's reflector, forcing Yamcha to jump in order to dodge his own attack. Then he lost sight off his enemy. But Goku didn't.
"Above you!" Yamcha looked up to see Tien mid-swing, knocking Yamcha to back to earth hard. But not as hard as when Tien landed on the downed Yamcha's leg, resulting in an extremely loud snap. It took him a moment to recover from his shock, but as soon as he did, the announcer called out.
"Fighter Yamcha is unable to continue! Tien Shinhan wins the first round!"
Puar took Yamcha to the nearest hospital, and Goku never took his eyes off Tien. This would be a good tournament after all.

Power levels:
Bardock: 12,625
Goku: 460
Goku(holding back): 200
Krillin(3 years later): 250
Yamcha(3 years later): 280
Master Roshi(3 years later): 300
Bulma(3 years later): 4
Tien Shinhan: 300
Chiaotzu: 250
Master Shen: 200
King Chappa: 100

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