Chapter 36: Penguin Village

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"Ok Goku, I've had enough. I'm going back home!" Bulma screamed.
"You're the one who said they wanted to come." Kakarot replied easily.
"Well yeah. But that was before I knew you were mixed up with the Red Ribbon Army!"
"Guys guys guys. Let's argue later. Master Roshi's place is right over there, and the Red Ribbon Army left a helicopter for us." Krillin was soaking wet. They agreed it would be nice to back at Roshi's. They took off, Goku on his cloud, the two humans in the chopper, and Bardock flying behind them.

There it was: Roshi's place. It's good to be back. Bardock entered the house and looked around. Ah. Unchanged. He walked up the stairs and found his dark blue bag. As he picked it up, he heard a commotion outside. Before he could go investigate, he heard a noise behind him.

As he turned to look, the house vanished around him. He was back in the arena. A future world tournament? But where was the actually fighting ring? It was all dirt. His shirtless grown up son lay on the ground before him, panting heavily. Also laying in the dirt about three feet in front of him was the namekian he had seen before.
The announcer's voice came from nowhere, startling Bardock.
Bardock watched in joy as his exhausted son raised a single fist into the air.
"I'll rematch you anytime...Piccolo."

Bardock heard more shouting. Ugh. Fine. He tossed the bag over his shoulder and went outside. To his surprise, he saw everyone but his son tied up. He just plain wasn't there.
"What the hell-"
"Heh! That army guy took the dragonballs! Goku raced after him!" Roshi called, struggling to free himself. Bardock panicked but for a moment, before sprinted over and snapping the ropes trapping Bulma.
"Free the others." And Bardock was gone, hot on the trail of his son. Wow, he must be pissed, his ki is enormous(for a saiyan kid). Is he still holding himself back?! I hope for this guy's sake that the answer is yes.

Bardock eventually detected that his son had stopped flying. Is that a...Village? Way out here? Weird. Oh well. He landed on a lawn, seeing a score of people walking out and about. Sure are a lot of people in such a remote village. He began walking towards Kakarot's energy. A small man wearing a lab coat walked directly in front of him, turning to face him.
"Excuse me sir, have your heard of Dr. Slump?" Bardock just shook his head no and pushed past him.
"What a weirdo." He found the house where Goku was. Rather, had been.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S ALREADY GONE?!?!" Bardock was exasperated. He had been chasing his son's tail for almost two hours now. He slump(heh)ed to the ground, beginning to lose hope. Then he heard a high pitched voice.
"Yosh! I fix you know!" Bardock turned to see what had spoke. To his surprise, it was a little...bug...person. This village was weird. Wait, what was he talking about.
"You bag. It full of broke, yosh? I smell it." Bardock slowly looked to his bag. Inside that bag was his old saiyan armor. It had been years since he had last worm it, only knowing Gohan's gi for comfort. And while it was nice, after wearing if for... how many years? Either way, it smelled. Pretty bad. It was pretty worn out, with tears and fraying all along the collar and sleeves. The bug guy grabbed the (how strong is this guy?!) bag and carried it over onto the table. Bardock slowly walked over and pulled it out. His old armor. It was shattered. Heavily busted. So many pieces lost, left in the bloody dust that remained of Planet Meat. It brought back a lot of memories. A lot of painful memories.
"Yosh?" Bardock looked up blankly. He hadn't heard the question, instead wallowing in his past.
"You want fix?" Bardock gulped and nodded slowly. Sure, it might make him even further behind his son, but-
"Done. Pant two?" Bardock looked at the table in bewilderment. It was completely repaired. It looked the same as the day he got it. Wow. Where'd he-
"Pant two?" Bardock nodded slowly. What did that- he watched as a palm tree lost all of its leaves in an instant. But before he could question why, the leaves then floated towards him. They floated past him up to the bug, who pointed outside once more. Following the bug's gaze, Bardock spied a basket floating towards him. As it floated past him, a berry fell out. A dark blue berry. What did that-
Bardock was baffled. Where did the leaves go? The berries? Why was there a pair of pants in front of him? What is wrong with this village? You know what? Screw it. Stranger has happened.
His original outfit was finished. Wow. If felt good to be back in true saiyan attire. He nearly laughed at the absurdity of it all. What a strange little village, but Bardock wouldn't soon forget it.
Bardock found a nice bush to change in, putting the old gi in his bag. Maybe he'll get that fixed one day, but for now-
"Hey!" A voice interrupted Bardock's thought. He turned to see a small girl wearing a hat that had the word 'ARALE' in all caps. She didn't have ki. More robots?
"You friend Goku!" She yelled.
Bardock had no other choice but to nod.
"Yosh! Same head! He gone. Tell come back later! We wrestle!" Bardock simply nodded. What was up with the broken Galactic Basic in this town? Bardock looked himself over one last time, before taking to the skies, hot on the trail of his son.

Power levels:
Bardock: 12,503
Goku(angry): 250
Arale: None.
Bug? Guy: 6
Coat guy: 8

Author's Note: I know I know, I generally don't do these on chapters, but this will be quick, I promise.

The scene with Bardock meeting the bug guy who repairs his armor has been a long time coming. Like, chapter 2 long time. I debated for quite a while on when he should reclaim his old suit. I decided that the gag character who exists to fix things would probably be the best bet, as that requires less explaining then if someone else did it.

Alternate Timeline- Bardock's Earthly AdventuresOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora