Chapter 25: The Tournament

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Months went past quickly. Under both the tutelage of his father and the turtle hermit, Kakarot grew stronger with every waking hour. Bardock rarely did the same training as his son, instead focusing his own power ever more. He didn't understand all of the hermit's teachings, such as delivering milk, but he couldn't argue with the results. His little boy was doing it. He was getting stronger. Who know. Maybe one day... The thought was interrupted by Roshi opening the door.
"Heh! Krillin and Goku have both increased their strengths immensely! I believe it's time for the tournament!" Bardock looked at Roshi with surprise.
"You what?" Bardock knew what tournaments were of course. They had been common place back on Planet Vegeta. One of his last good memories of home was Raditz announcing that he had won his bout and earned the right to be a full fledged low class warrior. And now, maybe his other son could earn that right himself. Roshi continued his spiel, ignoring Bardock's distant stare.
"Heh! So, if we are to enter the tournament, you'll be needing these!" Roshi brought out two suitcases.
"Heh! In here is a nice suit before the fighting starts, and also a certified official turtle hermit gi for the fighting. Heh!" Bardock nodded in approval.
"So where is it?" Roshi chuckled and pulled out a capsule.
"Heh! On an island. Here! We'll fly first class!" Roshi drove them to an airport, and sure enough, they flew first class. Bardock sat behind Kakarot, as he didn't have a fancy suit and didn't want to make his son look bad. After disembarking the plane, Roshi caught a taxi and the five of them were there. It was massive. Bigger then all all the arenas on planet Vegeta put together, and with a hundred times the people there.
"Heh! Follow me boys! Hate for you to get lost and be unable to fight!" Both Krillin and Kakarot signed there names. The bookkeeper turned to Bardock expectantly.
"And your name sir?" Bardock glared down at him.
"I ain't fighting. I'm just here to watch my kid fight." Bardock knew that in a tournament on a world like this, he'd be lucky if he found anyone other then maybe Kakarot who could make him at least try a little bit. Bardock continued walking with them, up until they were to enter the preliminary fields. Bardock had stopped looking for a moment, looking for strong fighters, when he turned to see why Kakarot was so excited. He was wearing the dōgi Roshi had brought for them. Orange. Dōgi. It all clicked for him.
"Hey Kakarot! High five? I'll see you in the finals!" Kakarot nodded and high-fived him.

A large man. One tap. Another man? One kick.  A dog man? One punch. A decent fighter? One toss. Kakarot was in the finals. No one stood a chance.

"Heh! Cmon Bardock! You can't just stand there all day! They've probably begun fight- oh. Heh! I get it! So, does he make it to the finals?" Bardock nodded.
"Yeah, you, Krillin, Kakarot and Yamcho are all finalists." Roshi gulped.
"Shouldn't you be heading to your match?" Roshi nodded and sulked off. Bardock grinned. Kakarot wasn't a complete idiot. He'd recognize the old man's ki. Bardock stood in the crowd next to the old man, front and center, and people tended to give him space. Most people.
"Oh my Kami! Bardock! Over here! It's me, Bulma!" Bardock winced at the sound of her voice. He shook his head as she navigated the crowd.
"Oh my Kami you look..the...exact....same." Bulma came to the realization.
"Yeah. Tends to happen when you age slow." Bardock was focused on the stage, despite no one being up there. Yet. Oolong and Puar came to a stop next to Bardock's legs. He didn't even glance at them.
"Took ya long enough." Kakarot and Krillin then emerged from the sea of people.
"We did it! We're finalists! Oh hi Bluma." Bulma looked hurt. The group was back together, and everyone was happy. An announcement came on.
"We will now begin the Tenkaichi Budokai! To the eight chosen contestants, please gather yourselves inside the budo main temple!" Kakarot and Krillin were off. It was Oolong of all people who first noticed that the old man was strangely absent. Bardock rolled his eyes.
"Must've had to take a leak. Ch! Old age." Everyone one nodded in agreement. After a short intermission, a blonde man wearing sunglasses came into the field.
"Thank you all for waiting so long, everyone!! We will now begin the 21st Tenkaichi Budokai!!!"

Power levels(post months of turtle hermit training):
Bardock: 12,500
Goku: 170
Master Roshi: 140
Krillin: 120

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