Chapter 47: Another Beginning

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Bardock met Kakarot halfway. He was holding the final Dragonball. One star. He was also wearing a blue dōgi. It looked familiar...
"I took this from the dog. It's a perfect fit! Even has a tail hole." Kakarot grinned. Bardock nodded a gruff reply.
"Well. Let's go grab Loompa then." Kakarot could only chuckle as he got on his cloud.
20 Minutes later:

"Hey! We did it!" Goku called out, drawing the attention of his friends.
"Did your clothes change?" Krillin spoke as soon as the saiyans touched ground. Goku laughed. Roshi was there now. Bulma too. Baba must have called them. Wonder why. Oh well.
"Come on Upa! I'll be right back guys!" And he was off. Bardock stood standing with everyone else. He sat down. Baba floated over to him.
"Hoi Hoi! I was right, wasn't I! Someone other then me can see!"
"What do you mean witch?" Bardock glanced at her.
"Hoi Hoi! Gohan told me all about it!" Bardock groaned. Who knew he would be the loose lipped one?
Everyone was intrigued. Everyone other then the elderly brother and sister.
"What's she mean Bardock?" Bulma inquired.
"Yeah, what's that supposed to mean?" Yamcha asked.
"You don't know magic do you?" Krillin prodded. Bardock scoffed, not answering any questions. Why would he? Luckily, the sky darkened and blocked out any more questions pointed at him.
"What the Kami!?" Yamcha yelped.
"What is that?" Bulma gasped.
"Where'd the sun go?!?!" Krillin panicked. After maybe a minute, the sky returned to normal.
"Huh. If I were a betting man, I'd say Kakarot is on his way back." Bardock commented.
"Heh! Why do you call him that? Everyone else calls him Goku." Roshi asked. Bardock hadn't thought of the fact he had only ever explained it to Gohan, and that was 40 chapters ago!
"Ok, so on my planet-" Bardock started.
"You what." Krillin spat.
"I'm an alien from a race of warriors known as saiyans. From Planet Vegeta. I landed here over a year ago looking for my son." Bardock caught them up to speed on the interplanetary affairs.
"Goku." Yamcha stated.
"Kakarot. His birth name. His mom picked it. I kinda grunted and didn't say no, so it stuck. Same process with Raditz." Bardock tightened his fists. He didn't like thinking about it.
"Who?" Krillin asked, rude as ever.
"My eldest son. He's dead, along side the rest of my race." Bardock replied, blunt as ever.
"What happened?" Yamcha asked in awe. A whole species of super powered monkey people, all dead?
"Frieza. That bastard took my races loyalty and strength and paid us back in our own blood. One year ago, I had been planning on wishing for his death." Bardock spat, his power level rising immensely.
"Heh! He's still alive?" Roshi couldn't believe anyone who could rile up Bardock like this, enough to let his suppression technique slip.
"And hopelessly powerful." Bardock began to calm back down.
"How do you know?" Bulma asked. That part was new to her.
"Because I tried- wait. No. No I didn't. I... I ran. So why... why do I... hold on." Bardock was confused. He had a distinct memory of yelling at the pod guard, but also a distinct memory of screaming the name of the oppressive overlord while fighting his way through the endless hordes of his army. Why? Why? What did that mean? How-
"Hey dad! You ok? I felt your power spark from Korin Tower!" Goku called down from his cloud. Bardock snapped himself out of it.
"Uh Yeah. Definitely. Totally fine." Bardock lied.
"Ok!" Goku believed him.
"So what's next you two?" Bulma asked, knowing these two were strong enough to take on the world. And would probably win too.
"I'm gonna train for the next World Tournament!" Goku announced with a smile.
"Heh? But you already won it once..." Roshi commented, slightly bitter.
"Well yeah, but people are getting stronger and stronger world wide! It's crazy! It's like everyone is training all at once just by living!" Goku said. Bardock paid extra attention to that.
'What?! All training by living. Living... Training... Life... Strong... Life..force. I finally get it!'
"Heh! Good answer. But you see Goku... I don't think you should come back with me and train. You're too strong for me too train you up anymore. Simply put, there's no point training under me anymore. You've got to go out into the world, learn and study everything you can. Dedicate yourself to your father's training." Roshi monologued. Bardock had to give him credit. It was a good speech. Goku nodded.
"I didn't really understand most of that, but it sounds fun!" He beamed.
"Heh! Well then. I will be seeing the both of you in three years time, at the start of the next Tenkaichi Budokai!!" They made their goodbyes. Bardock didn't care. He had nothing left to add. He would see them again. Right?
"Flying Nim-"
"Wait! As part of your training, you can't fly everywhere! That's cheating! You got legs! Walk! Run! Swim! Do it as those without any other options!" Goku nodded.
"Ok! Come on dad, it'll be fun!" Bardock groaned. Fine. Whatever. As long as Kakarot gets stronger, right?

The two began running at the pace Goku set. Bardock stopped and took one last distant look at the team that had helped to get his son this far. He let loose a rare, genuine smile.
"This trip was truly fun, wasn't it?" He tightened the ever-present bandana that sat on his head, grinned again, and took off running after Kakarot once more.

Power levels:
Bardock: 12,593
Goku: 405
Krillin: 145
Master Roshi: 170
Bulma: 3
Yamcha: 140
Puar: 4
Upa: 2
Fortune Teller Baba: 100
Ghost Usher: Ghost

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