Chapter 32: Muscle Tower

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The tower was in sight. Two guards fired shots at them, but Kakarot quickly dispatched them with his power pole.
'Hm. Don't know if that one will live. Oh well, he's trying.'
Before his eyes, Goku used his staff to catapult himself up onto the second level. Bardock shook his head and flew to the same door his son went through.

Inside was quite the scene. Bodies everywhere.
'Well crap. Might have to clarify on what it means to hold back.'
Bardock walked up the stairs to see Kakarot. He was fighting a massive person. One problem.
'What? That guy doesn't have any ki?! How! Everything's got ki!'
Bardock rushed to the offense, punching him into the wall.
'He's heavy...too heavy. What is this guy?'
The man rushed back and punched Goku. To his credit, the little guy didn't flinch.
"Wow! You sure can punch!" He then smashed his own hand through the massive arm. It came off.
"Oh Kami Kakarot! You might've kill... that's not blood." Bardock walked to more closely examine the "blood" on the floor. As he bent down to look, a massive figure opened its mouth. The giant man was still standing! But now, without his hand! Bardock stumbled back, surprised as a missile hit him square in the chest.
As he stood up, slowly, he could hear one thing more clearly then anything else in the room.
"Ha me...HAAAA!!!" Bardock turned as a flash of blue enveloped the giant. When the light faded, only his robotic metal legs remained.
'A fake person?! That would explain why we couldn't sense his ki.'
"Are you ok dad?" Goku called from the other side of the room.
"Yeah...just surprised me. Most people don't get back up after an attack like that." Bardock brushed his dōgi off to discover a small hole.
"Yeah! He sure was strong! Wonder why he didn't enter the tournament!" Ah Kakarot. As carefree as ever.
The two saiyans ascended, reaching the fourth floor. As they stood, contemplating their surroundings, Bardock moved and caught 4 knives that had been flung from the trees. More followed. Goku brushed his father's arm as he raced past him.
"I see him!" Bardock couldn't hear him.

"Please. Please, Kami!"
"Not now Mr. Popo! It's too dangerous!"
"It'd be more dangerous to kill him now! Events have already been set! Killing him now would only hasten our own demise!
"Then shut up and let me think! Oh King Kai, What am I supposed to do? He should've just stayed dead!"

"Dad! He's getting away!" Kakarot was sprinting up the next set of stairs. Bardock shook himself out of it and flew through the ceiling. As he rose, he thought.
'Kami huh. Been a while since I've seen you. Hmmm. If I can just find out where he is...'
He burst through to see Goku punching a man wearing purple in the face. He soared across the room and slammed into the wall.
'He's not getting back up. Oh well.'
A giant approached Bardock.
"Woah. You look like him." He pointed to Kakarot.
"Well he's my son, so yeah."
This giant unsettled Bardock. Not only was he a bit slow, he didn't have any ki.
'So he's a robot too. Hmm.'
"So what's your name?" Goku interrupted his thoughts.
"Oh. My name is Android #8."
"My name is Goku. And this is my dad, Bardock." The Android nodded slowly.
"Hey, uh, something 8? Where's the village chief?"
"Oh! I'll lead you to him. It can be a little confusing on the next floor." The two saiyans followed the massive robot up the stairs and then through a massive labyrinth. As they walked, they made conversation. Kakarot started it.
"Hey Eighter. What is this place?"
"Oh! This is the floor in between the fourth and fifth floors! And...what did you call me?"
"Eighter! Something number 8 was too hard of a name, so I shortened it!" Goku was beaming. This was a long staircase. Eighter paused halfway up. He pointed to the wall on his left.
"This here is floor 5. I don't know how to enter it though." The crew kept walking. Well, Eighter and Kakarot did. Bardock was still where Eighter had pointed. Bardock proceeded to punch said wall. He walked through the hole to see a large empty room. As he made his around it, he saw a light suddenly appear in the sky. Kakarot and Eighter fell through. Bardock caught the falling saiyan.
"You could've flown you know." The smaller saiyan chuckled.
"Yeah, But I wanted to see where this led!"
The wall to their left then rose slowly. Behind it was a massive creature. He nearly touched the ceiling. As it lumbered forth, a voice was heard from above.
"Not even a brat like you can defeat Buyon!" Goku and Bardock looked to each other and nodded in sync. Kakarot dove to the left and Bardock rushed to the right. They both began a flurry of blows so impactful that not even Buyon could reflect them. It began to move, being pushed backwards by the combined assault of the saiyans. The two used ki to deliver one final blow as Buyon was launched through the wall, and into the cold air surrounding Muscle tower. The monster froze solid as he fell, shattering upon impact with the ground. The two saiyans then flew up through the trap door. General White. He had a gun. Useless. He fired off six shots, and Goku caught six bullets. They clattered to the floor.
"I'm only going to ask one more time... where's the chief!" General White moved closer to the young saiyan.
"Oh you think you're so tough." He took off his sweater. He was built, but nothing too impressive.
"Ch! I don't care about this guy Kakarot, you can have him." Goku nodded and punched the taller man in the stomach. He went flying. He stood up slowly, grasping at the floor. He put his arms above his head.
"I'll...I'll lead you to the chief." The general coughed. Kakarot followed him into a back room. The general came out first, then the chief, then Goku.
"Hehe! You fool!" The general grabbed the chief and put a gun to his head.

Power levels:
Bardock: 12,501
Goku(post fights): 200
General White: 180
Major Mettalon: None. Robot.
Purple Ninja: 100
Eighter: None. Robot.

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