A flicker of realisation appeared in Nami's eyes, "No way..."

"O-oi, what're those?" Usopp pointed at the approaching shapes.

"They're," Nami's eyes widened, "Millennial Dragons!"

"So many..." The sniper's jaw dropped, "The sky's full of them!"

Your smile widened as many majestic green dragons flew over the Merry, each one at least twice the size of the little boat. They cried out in high pitched screams and squeaks, their shadows blotting out the sun above.

"I bet they're Grandpa Ryu's nakama!" Nami smiled in awe.

Apis smiled amidst the tears, "Yeah!"

Ryu collapsed, his final call answered. You could see Luffy rush to his side, and the two looked at each other before the rubber man nodded. He stood up, and faced the flagship.

"Gum-gum..." His arm stretched into the air, until it took hold of the neck of one of the Millennial Dragons, "ROCKET!" Luffy disappeared into the air, and you could vaguely see his leg elongate, "AND AXE!" The massive limb smashed the flagship cleanly in two, and Luffy's torso quickly followed behind.

"Grandpa...hurck...Ryu..." Apis was sobbing inconsolably. Nami hugged her as best as she could. You wanted to comfort the little girl, but hesitated.

'Nami's probably better than me at this sorta thing.'

"That is...very astute of you, Missy."


"Shut up and get on already!"

"Good work you two," Grinning, you waved from the deck as Zoro and Sanji boarded the Going Merry. Suddenly, a shiver went down your spine. You had barely any time to react when Luffy slammed on top of you hard enough to rock the entire boat.


"Uuuugh....Cap...you're gonna really need to work on your aim a bit...and your landings..."


"(y/n)? Why're you on the floor? You having a nap or something?"

"Do I look like Mop-boy to you?"

Another tremor, even bigger than the one before, started to make the Merry tremble.

Sanji fell on his side, "An earthquake?"

"Again?" Nami huddled near Usopp into a corner.

"Grandpa Ryu..." Apis was looking out at the spot where the dragon had been. He had sunk completely. She bowed her head, "My promise to Grandpa Ryu...I couldn't keep it..."

Luffy finally got off your back, and started to walk over to Apis. You rolled into a cross-legged position.

"I couldn't take him to the dragon's nest..." She slumped, fully defeated.

"Grandpa Ryu's wish came true."

Apis turned in shock to your captain.

"The dragons are calling. Can't you hear them?"

Her eyes widened as a large shockwave spread out from where Ryu had died. You braced yourself against the railing, eyes widening as you saw the land rising towards you from under the ocean.

"I do so love it when I am correct!"

'I really, really wish that I wasn't though...'

"You couldn't have stopped his death, Missy."

"When Mello thought that the name 'Millennial' could be related to their migratory period," Nami yelled over to you from where she was hanging on from on the other side of the Merry, "was he thinking about how often that their nest appeared from? Such as...every millenia!"

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